Chapter 06. Desperate

Começar do início

We both then start to walk to our own room. While walking to my room, I'm still thinking... If Kiana turn into a Herrscher... Am I strong enough to stop? If Miss Himeko help me to stop her... I must help her. I don't want to see one of my beloving person is gone... Again. I have enough with this stupid sacrifice. Doing this to call victory? Nonsense. I stop my walking, not even close to my room.

Nadia : *punch the wall beside me with my left hand. I didn't realize my left hand is now bleeding* Dammit!

Mei : N-Nadia-san?

I didn't realize that Mei-senpai was right in front of me. I start to look away and holding my left hand.

Mei : W-What are you doing? Why you punching the wall until bleeding?

Nadia : I-It's... Nothing. I'm fine if you asking.

Mei : *sigh* Come with me *she hold my right hand, turn me to her and we both start walking*

**At canteen**
**Mei's POV**

Mei : Nadia-san... Can I see your left hand?

Nadia : I said I'm fine. Thanks...

Mei : *I insist myself to hold her left hand and Nadia feels bit hurt when I'm holding it* See, you are not okay. Here, let me help you.

I put a bit alcohol that I took from medical box into her left hand. Afterthat, I wrap it with bandage.

Mei : There you go. Looks better now.

Nadia : ...

Mei : You thinking something?

Nadia : ...Yeah

Mei : About this mission or something?

Nadia : It just... I don't know...

Mei : Worrying about Kiana-chan?

Nadia : ...Yes. Last night when me and Kiana have our training... Kiana's body got controlled by Sirin.

Mei : Oh my...

Nadia : I didn't hurt her, of course. But my question is, Am I capable to protect her? Even you, Bronya, Miss Himeko and Miss Theresa? I feel I just burdening you all.

Mei : Nadia-san... You never will. We glad that we have you on our side. Helping a friend is better than being alone and never care about everything. Let me ask you a question. Did you ever protect someone you love before?

Nadia : *she nod her head, saying yes* Miss Theresa. She is the first one who I protect.

Mei : Did she feel happy everytime you next with her?

Nadia : She feels comfortable and having someone to understand each other. She said to me

Mei : Would you like to tell me the story, how you protect her and why Miss Theresa love you?

Nadia : It was long ago, when I was 15 years old. That day, me and Miss Theresa practicing about tag team, fighting against A.I controlled Mech. Few minutes, we doing well but suddenly, one of the Mech is out of control, causing to lockdown in training room. I was panic and can't even move. Miss Theresa yell at me to keep calm and focus on the enemy. I tried... I tried. But... I fail. The Mech about to punch me when suddenly, Miss Theresa push me and she got launch to the wall by the Mech and knock her out. From that, I'm really angry and destroying the Mech with my Phoenix. It burn until explode into pieces.

**Nadia's POV**

I was panting after I use my Phoenix to burn and explode that Mech. The lockdown system got shutdown when the Mech is no longer in here. The door is unlock.

A Hope In The Flame (Female OC x Honkai Impact)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora