Special Chapter 5.Kiana's Trouble

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**Date & Time: Wednesday, April 14th 2018, Saint Freya Academy, 7AM in the morning. Kiana's POV**

Ughhhhh... My head is quite hurt. It wasn't because I play a game all night... It just, I'm still having difficulties to memorize this "History" subject. I did got improvement on other subjects. But still... History is the thing.

Kiana : *sigh* Wish I was born smart... Like Nadia, Bronya, Mei-senpai and others... This is just pain in my head.

Nadia : And it doesn't mean, you could give up.

Kiana : Ah- N-Nadia!

Right... I forgot to fully closing my bedroom door. I think Nadia overhead everything about my problem. She went to me and cheer me up by hug me on the back while I'm sitting on the floor.

Nadia : I know studying a subject that you don't like is one pain in the ass. But, if you still believe in yourself and keep it going, you won't let yourself in this difficulties.

Kiana : Yeah... You are right. It just... Why you have to remember every years... Every place... Every time... And legends in this subject? You know, I can forget this in any seconds...

Nadia : Because you have to learn from beginning of everything. Not only we also learn about the first Honkai outbreak... We do also learning about some places or objects or hero in the past time.

Kiana : Beginning of everything... Now that's make sense.

Nadia : So, want me to help you out before you going to class?

Kiana : Eh? You not gonna teaching the PE class?

Nadia : It would be later at the afernoon. Right now, I still have a lot of time to help beautiful sweet heart, facing her problem.

Kiana : A-Ah... I see. Alrighty then. Thanks, darling~

Nadia : Anything for you, Kiana.

Nadia is now helping to study about History subject. She explain very simple and short. She said better doing that way to make it easier. Everything that is long words, at least it has one or two more points that can give you advantage to know it. With Nadia teaching me softly, gently and kindly... I can understand each explanation that she give it to me. Rather I have to go to library or let Bronya use her weird VR thingy that she had... I choose Nadia to teach me.

Nadia : Anything you want to ask?

Kiana : I think that's good enough for me.

Nadia : Alright. Before that, what's the capital of Japan?

Kiana : Tokyo.

Nadia: Nice job, you get it right. Alright, you better head to the class now before you are late.

Kiana : Ah shoot, you right. I'll be going now *I kiss Nadia's cheek* See you in the lunch! Bye!

**Nadia's POV**

As soon she said that, she quickly get up and run to the class where she must attend it in time. Leaving me in her bedroom, I can see so many pile of books on her desk. Hmmmm, must be tough for her to remember all this historical subject. Well, guess I can go to the academy. Probably I can watch how Kiana study in the class.

**Timeskip, at the gate of Saint Freya Academy. 8AM**

The gate never close for now. Well... Thanks to Miss Himeko and mom, they tell the guards to keep open the gate just for me. Yeah, they get it because if I'm free, I can go back to dorm or go anywhere that I want. Or even if I've come late. All the valkyries already in their own class. Time for me to find and watching Kiana through the windoe from outside of her class. I start to walk inside and have to find, what's the class that Kiana in. I guess she still in same classroom like before. Won't be a pain for me to search on it. As I walk through the hallway... Fate never change. I met the bullies who trying to hurt me two years ago. Looks like they still doing the same again. Not attending the class... Sitting on the stairs, smoking, playing with their phone and not dressing properly. I just keep going and let it slide even tho I can feel that they glaring at me.

A Hope In The Flame (Female OC x Honkai Impact)Where stories live. Discover now