Chapter 11.Hope

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"This chapter is continues from Chapter 10.Despair & After Extra Chapter 03.Escape event. On the Vote part, is finished and the choice's that I will use is B. That means Himeko is alive at the end of the chapter"

**Hyperion, 2 hours after Nadia Captured. Himeko POV**

Before I arrive to Hyperion, I take a serum that made by Dr.Einstein. She said, this serum able to neutralize Kiana. But, I only have one chance. If not, Kiana won't be able back taking control her own body. I have to talk with Principal Theresa first, to let her know that I got the serum. Arrive at the bridge, Principal Theresa was waiting for me.

Theresa : How's the serum?

Himeko : Got it, right here. *I show her the serum*

Theresa : "God-spear"... With this serum, we able to bring Kiana back. But... I think you already know to Nadia, right?

Himeko : Don't worry, I'll bring them back in one piece.

Theresa : ... Willing to do that, huh? *look down*

Hmmmmmmmm, looks like she know that I would sacrifice my life to bring Nadia and Kiana back here. Well... As their teacher, I have duty to take care of them even losing my life. I put my right hand on her shoulder to calm her down and giving her a warm smile. 

Himeko : I know I would sacrifice myself to get them back. But, why you need to whimper it? I know it is pain to see someone that you care and love get their life to save them. Like Nadia-chan said, don't give up hope.

Theresa : Promise me, you able to take care of this?

Himeko : I'm 100% sure.

With this, I can rest assure. For now, I must prepare myself. Looks like we've been track down by the Dragon. I guess... This could be my final lesson.

**Somewhere In The Void, HoV's POV**

To make sure Nadia won't be able to fight back, I chain her arms and legs, bend her on the wall that I created it. She looks so sweet when she is sleeping. But, it won't be long for her. And she finally open her eyes slowly. 

Nadia : ...huh? W-Where... Am I?

HoV : *giggles* Good morning, my dear Nadia.

Nadia : That voice... Sirin...

HoV : Yes, it is me. How's your sleep?

Nadia try to walk but sadly, her legs and ankles are chained.

Nadia : Hmph... Why would you ask if you caugh me red handed?

HoV : I take that as good sleep then. If you asking where are you right now... You are in my dimension.

Nadia : I... Guess that.

I slowly walk to her and I can tell how happy am I, catching a rat that runaway from the sewer, showing up to the surface to get caught by the cat. I caress her chin and making her looking at me.

HoV : So? What will you do? No one will hear you screaming. No one will come to rescue you. All your efforts are just a waste. Face it, you will never beat me.

Nadia : Huh, look who's now talki-

I use my left hand to slap her and making her silence for a moment.

HoV : My my, you like to cut someone whem they are talking, aren't you? It is rude, you know? Did your beloving papa teach you like that?

I can't stop myself giggling and laugh to see Nadia suffering.

A Hope In The Flame (Female OC x Honkai Impact)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum