Stop being a creep.

He smiles unconsciously, his body relaxing at the smell. Well, fuck.

He put the ribbon back in the drawer before taking the bags full of trash and taking them in the kitchen and throwing them in the garbage chute.

Dusting his hands he took the elevator to go into the basement to do a genetic test with the blood on the blade.


Seeing whose blood was on the blade made Felix's legs wobbly.

He took off the lab coat, throwing it on the hanger, walking hurriedly out of the basement but stopping when he saw a sticky note on the door of the torture room.

'I almost killed him, Lix. It was lovely watching the blood dripping down his chest'

Gulping, he rushed out of the room, taking the stairs, too worried to wait for the elevator.

Walking back in the living room, he saw Chan sitting on the sofa watching a random movie while playing with Jeongin's hair who was knocked out with his head resting on the elder's lap.

He sighed seeing the male apparently alive.

"Lix" he said after hearing the younger walk into the room. "Hey hyung" Felix muttered, smiling at Jeongin's face smushed against Chan's leg, hugging for dear life the olders's thigh.

They look cute together.

He sat in front of Chan and unbuttoned his dress shirt, making the older's eyes widen. "Um, don't you think it's not really appropriate to do something like this with Jeongin literally sleeping on me?" he chuckled, trying to stop Felix.

Swatting his hands away, "Shut up" he muttered. He groaned frustrated, his trembling fingers fumbling with the buttons of the shirt and Chan trying to push his hands away. Ripping open the shirt, Chan dropped his hands, sighing.

Ready to take off the bandage, Chan grabbed Felix's wrist stopping him "Don't" he said. "I'm going to rip your hair if you stop me one more time," Felix stared at Chan, clearly angry and pulling his arm away from the older's grasp, taking the bandage off.

Felix gasped seeing the wound he made. It was on his collarbone, 2 inches long and visibly deep.

"I did that and you didn't told me?" Felix muttered, seeing Jeongin shifting. Chan pulled the ripped shirt over his shoulder and buttoned the buttons that still were attached to the material "It isn't that bad"

"I could have touched your bone or cut the goddamn subclavian artery, Chan!" Felix gritted his teeth. "But you didn't" Chan said, moving gently Jeongin's head off his lap, getting up.

Felix bit his lip, following after Chan who was walking down the hallway. "I was half an inch close to kill you, are you fucking nuts?" Chan stopped walking, turning around and facing the younger. "So what?" " I almost killed you with a hobby blade that cuts paper. Fucking paper. And you're acting like I just bitten you"

"Then how do you want me to act? You told me you want space, so I am giving it to you" Chan said, taking off his ripped shirt and folding it messily.

"Are you stupid? I said I wanted some space, it was suffocating with you always breathing at the back of my neck 24/7 and because I am hurting you, but I did not ask to be ignored." Felix said, crossing his arms against his chest.

"Well it looks like you're enjoying your time while I ignore you" Chan smiled sarcastically. "What do you mean by that?" "You get along with Hyunjin pretty well, don't you?" "Am I not allowed to try to get along with my partner I have to work with daily?" the younger asked, his brow rising.

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