Chapter 13- Approved

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I walked downstairs and go to the dining room. I spot all of them talking about who knows what, when I entered and sat down the chair, Archer's face lit up and Oliver's lips formed into a smirk. My face immedietly heats up while The others look confused on our facial reactions.

I awkwardly stuff my face with the pasta as I feel everyone's eyes on me. "Okay what happened?" Dad asks.

"What?" My voice comes muffled from all the pasta in my mouth, "N-nothing happened dad"

He doesn't buy my fake excuse and looks at Oliver's smirking face for an answer, "Why don't you ask Archer what happened, Mark?"

"Archer what the hell happened?" Did I mention he doesn't like secrets?

"Well- Mark I-" He sutters like an idiot, "Oliver just spill it out we all know you're going to tell everyone weather I tell them or not"

Oliver's smirk widens as he tells everyone what he saw earlier. He also mentioned he witnessed what happened that night in the bathroom which made my face turn into a million shades of red.

The guys' faces all forms in a smirk, excluding Archer who has a horrified look as I think about all the ways my dad will beat him up.

My dad had a blank face as Oliver continues his story telling. It's obvious he's masking his emotions which makes me wonder what he's thinking right now.

"-And then when I was about to exit his room, I saw Archer had a hard-" Archer shoves a piece of bread in Oliver's mouth to shut him up, "You told them too much" Archer grumbles.

Oliver takes the bread from his mouth and lets out a laugh, "Sorry, my bad Arch. Anyways that's basically what happened. So it looks like Kai owes me $10. Pay up bro" He held out his right hand as Kai slaps a ten dollar bill on his hand with a scowl on his face.

"You guys bet on us?!" I ask

"yup" Noah replies.

I fake gasp, "You knew about this? How could you Noah, I thought we were friends" I pout.

"Aww. I'm sorry" He pulls me in a friendly hug. "It's okay. I was only joking" I let out a soft laugh.

A growl makes us pull away from our hug. I look behind Noah and see an angry Archer with his jaw clenched and his knuckles turn white from holding the fork too hard.

Before Archer could punch Noah, Noah raises his hands in surrender and smirks, "Hey, hey no need to get jealous it was just a friendly hug. She's all yours man"

Archer sends him one last death glare before averting his attention to me, his eyes softening a bit before he drinks his water in one gulp.

"You and me. Training room. Now." Dad tells Archer with a glare as he walks to the training room. Archer gulps nervously and follows him.

I sigh, "So what kind of flowers do Archer prefers?"

They all laugh at my joke but Noah answers "I think he would like Crysanthemum's"

We laugh again at Noah's comment and continue eating while I wonder what dad and Archer are doing now.


I shut the door with a click and make eye contact with Mark. I'm never usually this scared of him but the way his mood changed when he found out about me and Mary isn't exactly the reaction I was expecting.

Wait, what am I thinking? Of course he would be mad. I mean, Mary is the only one he has left. Beside's me and the guys of course. But still.

"So, you and Mary huh?" He leans against the wall with arms crossed, "When did this start to happen?"

"The day Marcus escaped from us, Mary helped me clean my wounds and it sorts got steamy but we never did anything I promise" I put my right hand up to emphasize my point.

He sighs, "Archer, Mary has been through a lot of things. Losing her mom broke her so much and she's only recovered a few months ago. I just don't wan't her to get hurt again"

I nod, "I understand. If you wan't me to stay away from her I wi-" He cuts me off, "No. I see the way she looks at you and it's the first time she's ever looked to a boy like that. I know she likes you. The question is, do you feel the same way?"

I think about her. Her beautiful smile, her gorgeous eyes, and her gentle touch. She wouldn't harm a fly even if she wants to.

You like her, my inner voice says.

No I don't.

Yes you do

I give Mark my answer, "I don't like her sir. I love her. More than anything and anyone in my life" I watch as his scowl from my first words turn into a genuine smile, "Love is a big word, son. But you're ready to say it. I can see the way you look at her too. I just don't want her to be involved in your gang shit. She's to innocent for that"

"yes sir. I'll protect her with my life" I give him my most biggest smile.

He chuckles, "look at you being a love sick puppy. She's got you wrapped around her finger. I can imagine you posing for her to paint you because you're so whipped already"

I dont reply because it's true. She does have me wrapped around her soft fingers. I'll climb the eiffel tower and back if she asks me to. Hence, I'll even beg to her in front of everyone if she wants.

"So does that mean you approve of our relationship" I ask, hoping he would say yes.

He nods, "Just promise me you will take it slow." Mark starts to walk to the door but before he touches the doorknob, he turns around, "I just wan't to inform you that She's a virgin, Archer -At least I think she is- I'd like it to stay that way until she's ready"

"Of course. I'll never do anything to Mary without her permission"

He gives another nod and gets out the room while I sigh in relief and walk towards the kitchen.

The guys were there but Mary wasen't. I look at the clock and realize it's nearly midnight. Did we really talk that long in there?

"Oh my god! Archer's alive!" Noah exclaims. I roll my eyes and say, "Where's Mary?"

"Ha! Told you he'd be looking for her first!" Oliver jumps from his seat and sticks his tongue out to Gabriel who mutters something under his breath.

Kai answers my question "she went to her room thirty minutes ago. Probably sleeping or some shit"

I nod at them and head up to Mary's room. While closing the door, I see Mary sleeping in her bed, her hair scattered beside her head. Her arm is holding the blanket up to her chest while the other is under the pillow.

I look at her in awe as I walk towards her sleeping figure, placing a soft kiss to her forehead. Before I could move, a hand grabs my arm and I look at Mary who mumbles, "Please don't go"

"Do you want me to sleep beside you?" I ask softly. She nods in reply and I get up from my crouching positon and lock the door before taking off my shirt and pants, leaving me in my boxers.

I lay beside her and pull her to my chest. She shifts and lays her head on my bicep. She places a hand to my waist and tangle our legs together. I lay my head on top of hers and place my hand on her waist while I use the one she's laying on to gently stroke her hair.

She makes a sound of satisfaction and a few minutes later, her breathing even's out which tells me she's asleep.

Today has been eventful. I finally got Mark's permission to date his daughter which makes me feel an emotion I've never felt in years: Joy. Nothing could ever stand between us and I will protect Mary until my heart stops beating.

I place one last kiss to her head before letting darkness take over me.

1377 Words




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