Chapter 1- The mission

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"Hey arch?" Oliver peeks his head from the wall

"what do you want?" I grumble

"Uhh" he clears his throat, "We found a lead on who stole your money"

I stood up from my seat at the couch and made my way to the planning room. "Who did it?"

"Some dude named Kyle. He works for the Scarlett Guns mafia."

"Scarlett guns?" I ask he nods. "What a stupid name for a mafia gang" i scoff and open the door to see Gabriel, Kai and Noah all sitting in glass chairs. It's like they were waiting for me and arranged this meeting.

I sat down on my seat and looked at Oliver. "tell them the news"

"Alright people, We found out who stole $1,000,000 from Archer. His name is Kyle Sanchez he's from the Scarlett guns gang."

"How are we supposed to catch him? If his gang sent him to steal money from the most feared gang, he must be a good agent" Noah says.

"But not good enough. If he is good enough, Oliver wouldn't be able to track him" I say.

"Archer's right. To answer your question Noah, I also found out he's going back to his mafia base later at 8:00 pm with the money And the Scarlett guns base is located somewhere in Kingston." Oliver explains

"Here's the plan. We get ready with weapons just incase he has backup. I'm leaving at 7:30 If you guys are not there I'm gonna leave you so dont be late. Kingston is a ten minute drive but we need to be early to study the place. Once you see Kyle," i show them a picture of Kyle "Catch him and bring him to me. I need him alive to force him to tell me where he hid my money. After he confesses, we get the money and kill him got that everybody?"

They all nod. "Any questions?" They shake their heads no. "Good"

"Don't wear anything colorful" i look at Noah specifically "But don't wear too much black. Hide your weapons and dont talk to others. Avoid distraction and dont even think about flirting with girls. Once we get the money, you can do whatever the hell you guys want" I say and exit the room.

I walk towards the training room and get my training knives. I throw them and they hit the bored perfectly. I train hard even though I don't need too. Whenever I'm angry, I tend to hit stuff so I always go to the training room to avoid hurting my friends.

I'll never admit it to them, but I love those boys and they're my only family I have left. My parents were murdered when I was young and that's when I first became cold-hearted. Once I had enough strength, I killed the dude and threw his body in the ocean. I was a happy, joyful boy when I was little. Being happy reminds me of my past so I never smiled or cracked a joke since I saw my parents get killed before my eyes.

I continue throwing knives to the dart board until I ran out of knives. That lessened my anger a bit. The most important rule when going on a mission is to never get distracted. Becuase once you turn your eyes away from your opponent even just for two seconds, they could snap your neck in half.

I never get distracted. That's because I lessen my anger before I go to missions. Things and sounds aren't the only things that could distract you. Emotions can too. If your anger is overflowing, you're other emotions could be blocked and you could get focused on doing that one thing, you don't realize a gun is being pointed at your head. That's how my father died.

Once upon a time we were living happily then a guy came and pointed a gun to my head. He treatened to kill me if my mom wouldn't come with him, so she did. He took her and tied me and my father up. Then, he raped her in front of us. We were both in tears and I had to close my eyes because I couldn't watch another man touching my mother. Then, he shoot her head. Both of us screamed as the guy laughed. My father got so angry that he managed to escape from the ropes and kept punching stuff, he got distracted and froze when he heared a gun clicking behind him, I closed my eyes again, not wanting to see any if it and flinched when I heard the same gun sound take my father's life. The guy was going to kill me but left me alone. I sat there at our white carpet, my parent's blood coating it red. They're lifeless bodies lay in front of me. From that day, My big, soft heart turned into stone and I never felt the joyful emotion I used to be full of.

I wipe my sweat off with a towel as I try to shove those painful memories at the back of my head. I go to my room, take a shower and put on a red and black suit and styled my hair.

It's now 7:25 pm and I go outside to my car

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It's now 7:25 pm and I go outside to my car.

I see Oliver, Noah, Kai and Gabriel all suited up and standing there waiting for me

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I see Oliver, Noah, Kai and Gabriel all suited up and standing there waiting for me. I guess they didn't want to be left out. I go inside and start the car. Oliver sits in the passenger seat while the rest seats at the back.

I drive to Kingston but as we pass mcdonalds, Noah says "could we stop 5 minutes for mcdonalds please?"

"What kind of mafia member eats mcdonalds before going on a mission?" I scowl.


"Ugh fine." Knowing Noah, He wouldn't stop asking until we get food. Remind me why am I friends with him again?

I turn the car and order Fries for everyone. I get the order and give the worker $100 even though the total is only $45. I drive off before he got to give me the change.

"Dude why did you leave?" Noah's voice became a little muffled due to his mouth filled with fries.

"1. Dont speak when your mouth is full 2. We need to hurry up. You worry more about your stomach than $1,000,000" I hit the gas and the car speeds up.

I park the car when we arrive and slip two guns under my suit, a pistol in my jacket, and five knives in my pockets. I get out of my car and lock the doors.

"Spread out. Study the place and be back here in 15 minutes." I order them and they went to their separate ways. I went to mine.

I have a feeling this will be one of my most interesting missions.

1147 words

A/N here's the first chapter. Thanks for reading! ❤️




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