⟵Meeting Her⟶

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"This is fucking ridiculous."

"Kacchan," Izuku groans, running a hand down his face.

"Here we go again," Eijirou rolls his eyes, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

Shouto grins in amusement.

"I'm just saying," Katsuki starts. "This is wrong in every fuckin' way."

"You would see it that way," Shouto mutters.

"Ha?" Katsuki stops and glares up at his mate. "You wanna fuckin' say that again."

Shouto simply shrugs which pisses Katsuki off even more. He opens his mouth to curse at him but is stopped by Eijirou pulling him in a hug.

"Kats, we talked about this," he nuzzles into his neck.

"There isn't anything wrong with wanting our own omega, Kacchan," Izuku offers, walking over and leaning against Shouto's left side. "It's the only way we can get what we want, you know this."

Katsuki huffs and the four of them face the 6-story building for omegas. Their lives could possibly change after this. They could go in there and come out with an omega of their own. An omega that'll bring them a family. Something they've been wanting for years.

Shouto glances down at his watch. "We're not gonna make the appointment if we stand out here any longer."

And with that, the four of them walk inside. The receptionist at the desk smiles at their entrance and waves at them. As she takes in their appearances closer, they can see the recognition falling over her.

"Hello! Welcome to Oma Heights! How can I help you?" she beams.

Katsuki grumbles at her hyperness.

"Hi," Izuku smiles. "We have an appointment. It should be under Kirishima."

"Ah, alright. Give me juuust a second," she responds, eyes fixated on the screen in front of her.

Eijirou pouts. "Why is it under my name?"

Shouto snorts.

"Don't act like a baby," Izuku shakes his head. "Besides, I sure as hell wasn't gonna do it."

"Wha- Rude!" Eijirou exclaims.

Izuku laughs at his flustered state as Shouto rubs Eijirou's back. "There there."

"Oh, whatever," Eijirou shrugs off his arm.

"Okay, here we go," the receptionist, Hanako, interrupts. "Kirishima Eijirou, yes?"

"Yep, that's this big guy," Izuku nods toward Eijirou who glares at him.

"Great, glad you could make it," Her brown eyes dart across the screen again. "It says here that you made the appointment with the hopes of finding an omega for conception reasons, is that still the plan?"

"Yes, it is," he confirms.

"Alright. I have to ask," she leans on her manicured hands. "Is this for quirk-related purposes or just to start a family?"

Shouto tenses at the question. Izuku and Katsuki reflexively grab his hands, absently pumping out calming pheromones.

"We just want to start a family," Izuku gives her a small smile with a shrug. "It's kind of hard to do that with 4 male alphas."

Hanako grins and turns toward her computer again. "That is true. I'm sorry to have asked. It's protocol when it comes to pro heroes. Our vicinity strictly prohibits quirk-based conception. This building and system are about giving previously abused and abandoned omegas a second chance at life. We wouldn't want to give them to any alpha who would ruin that process."

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