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It had been six months since the wedding. There must be something in that Italian water because sure enough, Claire became pregnant again. To her surprise, she didn't panic when she realized she was again with child. She let the thrill of excitement and happiness run through her. She felt calmer, more relaxed even though it meant prolonging her getting back on her medication. She had been breast feeding Amelia and refused to chance it. Now, she didn't have a choice.

Amelia was officially twenty months and her last check up had diagnosed her need for glasses as Claire and Pierce had been suspecting for some time. Aside from her vision and being a petite little thing, Amelia was a picture of health. Claire hadn't realized that she would come with this whole little personality.

Amelia constantly had her parents in stitches or wrapped around her little fingers. Claire was excited to see her as a big sister. So far, her current pregnancy was running smoothly. Because of her history, she finally consented and let Pierce hire a nursemaid, one she picked of course. She took things as easily as possible and would call her doctor for the slightest provocation. She spent as much of her time off her feet as was possible with a toddler. Pierce had taken early Paternity Leave and was a constant source of love and comfort.

Because she was taking it easy did not mean she was on bedrest. She was still allowed to do her normal activities, she just chose to cut back. She made an exception for her nephew's eighth birthday to get out of the house. Cait was throwing Tommy a small party at the local zoo and Claire knew Amelia would love it. So she trudged her pregnant self along with the group, in the hot sun, and oh-ed and ah-ed at each animal to make her daughter smile.

"Kitty!" Amelia squealed at the tigers in their enclosure and point wildly.

"Big kitties." Claire told her as she held her on her hip. Amelia was sporting her brand new glasses and seemed to have taken to them rather well. Claire was happy about that. She fought with her about everything else. She did not want to fight with her about wearing something she needed.

"Come on. We're going back to the tables to cut the cake." Cait told her as she passed by.

Claire turned to put Amelia back in her stroller and follow when she spotted a familiar figure moving through the crowd.

Make that two, she thought as Tobias stepped into the clearing with Dylan at his heels. He was sharing a bag of popcorn with the young boy. Dylan had grown. He was filling out just a bit and looking more like his father.

Claire made no effort to rush, but she also made no effort to hide. The sight of Tobias and Dylan still saddened her, just a bit, but it was alright. She had plenty of happy these days to go around. She strapped her daughter in and began to wheel her around when she looked Tobias' way again and found him staring at her.

He stared at her nervously as Dylan explored an exhibit nearby, wiping his hand on his jeans and swallowing thickly. Claire could see the nerves all over him, so she took mercy on him and gave the slightest smile. Tobias took that as a good sign and took a step in her direction, turning to take a quick peek at his son as he did.

Claire waited. She could have walked away, but she didn't feel angry or upset. She could hear him out. She caught Court out the corner of her eye as she stood near the exit watching. Cait had gone ahead with Tommy and the rest of the group. She made a little shooing motion at her older sister. Courtney rolled her eyes, crossed her arms and leaned against the wall.

"Hey. You look good." Tobias said by way of a greeting. "Congratulations."

"Thank you." Claire didn't say that he looked a little thin, or could use a shave. He was obviously still in a rough place. "How are you, Tobias?"

He shrugged, dropping his gaze. "You know how it goes."

She did. "How can I help you?"

Tobias took a deep breath and let it out, looking over at Dylan again before turning back to her. His eyes dropped to Amelia playing with a doll and eating a cookie in her stroller. "She's lovely. Looks just like you."

"Thank you. Dylan looks like he's growing into a fine young man."

Tobias brightened a bit. "He's great. Can't wait to start school. He loves it. He just came back from science camp."

Claire nodded agreeably as she looked at him, wondering what he needed from her. "How can I help you Toby?" She asked him again softly.

"You can't. I just wanted to say that you look good. I'm happy you're finally happy, Claire." His eyes searched hers for a long moment. "I wish I never hurt you. You didn't deserve what I put you through. I know what I did. I want you to know that I've been working on myself. I won't ever hurt another woman the way that I hurt you. I'd rather die first. I know you probably don't believe me." He paused and sighed looking at her curiously. "I want to teach my son to be better than me. For his brothers."

Claire felt tears prickle her eyes and she blinked them back as she swallowed past the unexpected lump in her throat. She nodded, but couldn't find words to speak.

"I'm sorry, Claire. Truly. I just wanted you to know that." Tobias bowed his head and took a step back then another before turning and leaving to rejoin his son.

Claire watched as he walked away, trying to decipher the many feelings she was having. Ultimately, she decided that she was at peace. She pushed Amelia over to Courtney with a smile and her sister frowned at her. "What was that all about?" She asked.

"Closure." Claire said simply.


*** Author's Note: I just want to send a heart felt thank you to each and every reader for encouraging me to continue this story and helping me push myself to make it better. When I started this story many years ago, way before the days of Wattpad (Does ANYONE remember Webook??), I never thought I would finish it so Kudos to yall for getting me here! Lol Thank you all for taking the time out of your days to sit and read my little thoughts and ideas and meet some of the characters that live in my head. You know the story never ends lol. Thank you for your weekly support. Thank you for every comment and every vote. It genuinely means the world to me. 

This is only the first draft and will be edited over time so if you wanted to stay updated for any changes, give me a follow. :) You guys have also inspired me. I have heard you. You want more Tobias. Love to hate the villain lol. So I am ruminating on a short story for him. I don't know when it will be written or posted, but again, for updates, give me a follow. 

Seriously though, all of you have helped me get out of my head and from being in a dark place. Tomorrow makes one year since my father passed. Not Covid related. I have not been handling it the best, but writing helps. You have helped. So, thank you so much. 

On a lighter note:

I wish you all the Happiest of Holidays! ***

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