Chapter 38

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Claire and baby Amelia had spent separate amounts of time recovering from the affects of preeclampsia. Claire's recovery was quicker though she did have to undergo minor surgery on her liver. She was out of the hospital with in two weeks. She and Pierce hadn't been able to take their daughter home for nearly two months. She had been slow to put on weight. The doctors had wanted her at a solid five pounds before releasing her. She had started feeding on her own after the first few weeks. Claire bawled like a baby when she finally got to hold her and Pierce hadn't fared much better.

The wedding had obviously been postponed, but it was for the better. Their priority now was Amelia and making sure she was healthy. Early eye exams determined that baby Amelia had a moderate case of ROP, a disease that affects preemies causing their retinas not to fully develop. She would need to be monitored closely. The diagnoses was moderate today, but Claire didn't trust it. Not with her luck.

There had been no further contact with her nuisance of an ex husband or his former mistress and Claire couldn't have been better for it. She worked harder than ever to put that part of her life behind her and without raging hormones it was that much easier. She refused to continue letting her past define her future. Despite still being off of her medicine due to breastfeeding and still battling her own paranoia, she was handling things pretty well. Pierce and Claire found a smooth rhythm raising their daughter and their love for her and each other grew even deeper.

For the better part of a year they focused on raising and caring for their daughter, who was loved, spoiled and doted on by everyone. There had been limited contact at first because of her health, but she quickly grew bigger and stronger and by her first birthday she was walking on her own. It took Pierce by surprise as he came out of the kitchen, closing the baby gate behind him to find her standing there, Claire nowhere in sight. Her hair was in two cute pigtails sticking up on her head and she was wearing a jean overall dress with flowers. She looked up at him and said, "Dada."Then took three steps in his direction.

Pierce laughed with joy as he scooped her up and called for Claire. Claire came running, thinking something had happened. She had fallen asleep for a second as Amelia was napping and Pierce's voice startled her out of her sleep only to find Amelia out of her crib.

"Did she crawl all the way out here?" Claire put a hand to her forehead.

"I think she walked."

"What? I missed it?" Claire looked aghast. Pierce laughed at her as he cuddled and kissed on his baby girl.

"She'll do it again. Won't you, honey. You're gonna walk for Mama?"He bounced her in his arms and she patted his cheeks. Claire's heart melted when Amelia leaned in and gave him a kiss on the lips. This is what she had wanted all along. A family. That was it. She didn't ask for much. This right here made her happy.

"Marry me." She said suddenly.

Pierce paused and looked at her. "Whenever, wherever."


Their wedding was a small, by Pierce's standards, but elaborate ceremony held in the backyard of Steph's five story mansion. He had an open lawn big enough for a tent to house two hundred guest, Dr. Swan amongst them, and a flowing waterfall that offered a stunning backdrop. They had hired a band as well as a small symphony orchestra for specific parts in the evening.

Everything looked stunning to Claire as she peeked out the curtain and into the backyard beyond. She could hear the music playing. She had butterflies in her stomach, but she was ready for this. She looked over at her daughter, bouncing on Dawnn's hip. Amelia's hair was done in rings of curls all over her precious head. She had the same light brown hair as her father. She was smaller than the average one year old, but she was a damned fighter, just like Pierce promised she would be. Every day with them both was a miracle and Claire intended to seize it. She wouldn't waste one more second.

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