Facing the past/Future challenges

Start from the beginning

It made him happy. Something he hasn't felt in a while, and his daughters made that feeling even greater.

Morgiana: He's still out there.

She wants to find him and out an end to him.

The times she tried to run from him only for him to catch her just to give her the false hope of freedom.

Izou: What was his name?

Morgiana looked at him with pupiless eyes but that didn't scare him...

Morgiana: Jamil.

Her black aura was getting stronger.

Izou: Well it's a good thing you were up at this time at night.

Morgiana looks over at him and says...

Morgiana: Why's that?

Izou: Because I was getting ready to head over to his location and end him.

What? He knows where he is?

Morgiana: You know where he is? Where?

She can finally end him and put that monster in the ground.

Izou: Where he usually is, I'm sure you know exactly where I'm talking about.

Yes she does. It was where the other bastard who put her in enslavement was also located as well.

Morgiana: I see.

As soon as she was getting ready to leave Izou stops her in her tracks....

Izou: Before you go, I bought you something.

Using his ring, he pulled out something out of the pocket dimension.

The necklace was golden whilst it had a red ruby in the middle and one below it as well.

Izou puts it on her and says....

Izou: Here. It's yours.

She looked at the necklace for a few moments and then gave her father a big hug which he gave back.

Izou: (So this is what being a father is like? Honestly....I can get used to this.)

But first things first...

Izou: Before you go, you need to eat something. You can't fight on an empty stomach.

Morgiana: Don't worry, I'll be fine.

Izou looked deflated at this and said...

Izou: I see, you don't want my Mac n' cheese I made...How unfortunate.

Izou:The Kin SlayerWhere stories live. Discover now