I smiled slightly. I grabbed my purse and went down stairs to worn my parents.

"He should be here any minute" I said as my parents looked at me.

My father was on the couch watching television as my mom sat next to him reading.

"You look nice honey, I hope to meet this boy" My dad said as he mutes the tv.
Before I answer there is a knock on the door. Ryan.

I feel my heart pound a little. Why was I so nervous, I don't like him that much? Plus I'm still waiting for Lauren to call. But I know that is not happening.

My dad opens the door. "Hello sir, pleasure to meet you my name is Ryan."

My dad motions for him to come in. My mother walks up to him and shakes his hand.
"I want her back by 10:30 and not a minute late." My dad said somewhat intimidating.

"Take care of my little girl"

"Will do sir, thank you, goodnight" He smiled.

Ryan walked me outside and hold the door open to his car. Such a gentlemen. He slightly jogs to the driver side. "I hope you're hungry beautiful" He smiled. We drove to a nice restaurant. Not too fancy but nice.

"What you like to eat?" He asked once we were finally sitting and looking at our menu.

"Uhm.. Pasta sounds good what do you think?" I smile at him.

"Pasta it is." He motion the waiter to come. He ordered for the both of us.

"So Camila beautiful Cabello" he looked at me. I put my hands together and blushed. Here he go. Starting with the compliments.

"Yes?" I answer innocently.

"Sorry, I just feel like a kid on Christmas morning. I didn't think you were interested after you said no to the fair at school." He explained.

"Flattery will get you everywhere" we laughed together.The food came. It was surprisingly good. Amazing even.

As we ate he talked about embarrassing moments in his life and for once, I wasn't forced to laugh. I genuinely enjoyed his presence. I felt like a girl on the first date all over again. Smiling and flirting, well if I even call it flirting.

That didn't stop me from checking my phone occasionally. Yes, I'm having a good time, great even. But I keep thinking Lauren will know something and come back. But still; nothing. I'm such a fool.

"Would you like desert?" he asked after we were both done eating.

"Uhm, no not right now I'm full."

"How about we walk around the park and get some icecream?"

"Deal" I smiled. He paid as I grabbed my purse.

We walked to his car and like a true gentlemen he held it open for me. We arrived at the park and grabbed icecream. As we walked and talked and are our ice cream I suddenly felt semi-rough hands slip into mine, giving permission to interlace our fingers. So I let him.

As the night went on he drove me to my house and walked me to my door.
"Thank you for tonight." I smiled at my fingers. Why am I suddenly so nervous?

"Anytime beautiful. Sleep well."
But before I answered I felt his hand cup my cheek and pull me closer. The next thing I knew he connected his lips with mine. I didn't resist. The kiss wasn't too long but just enough to feel his emotions. It was nice.

"Goodnight" I let out as soon as we broke the kiss. I went inside to my room and touched my lips.

I saw my phone had a notification. It was a tweet from Ryan.

Our Story is Forever (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now