1 - beast

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He had to admit something. Even though he was left alone, in reality he never was just by himself. There always was something out there. Lurking in the shadows, hiding behind trees, hunting him since he remembered.

And now there was no one who could possibly save him from it. He heard it's steps coming closer and closer, only to stop and dissappear. Sometimes he wondered if it wasn't just his wild imagination, but quickly changed his mind everytime he found it's traces.

At nights he was often frightened by any sound that didn't fit what forest at that time should sound like. He sat there, by his bonfire and listened, looked around, ready to run, to protect himself.

He never actually saw it with his own eyes. Well, not in it's full glory. He saw it's red eyes when fire shined in them, but he never kept eye contact, to afraid of it.

Since he was left by his pack, there was something more. Something that never happened when he was still with those other wolves. That thing started to call out his name. At first quietly, lighter than a whisper, coming louder day by day until it was a full blown scream that hurt his ears everytime he heard it. So loud that he was surprised it didn't affect anything around it, until he realized that what he heard was just for him exclusively and sounded like a bad headache in his mind only. Another thing that scared him and he couldn't do anything about it, just run and hope he could somehow escape what seemed unevitable.

But sometimes you can't have what you desire. And he understood it when he left all his things as he run as fast as he could, when the beast decided it was bored with his hunt and began to actually try to kill him.

He run, tears in his eyes, praying for a miracle. He knew he couldn't escape, not when he didn't possess a basic ability of his space. Not when he couldn't shift. As a human he didn't have any chance. Especially when you fall to the ground.

He grunted as he landed on his knees, quickly trying to get up. But he wasn't fast enough.

He felt it's big pawn on his back and tried to look back. The beast was giant, he couldn't see exactly what it looked like. Only that it had caramel like fur. Then he felt it's claws perching his skin as he muffled his scream.

And just when he was loosing councioussnes, the weight on his back dissappear.

He saw it running off. But he didn't see why, falling into the darkness before he could.

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