"Thanks Wendy!" Sam said, hugging my mom. "You've been such a big help. I really love you."

"Hey! Save that for me!" I said in mock complaint.

Sam immediately moved over to me and gave me the kind of morning kiss that was going to make me late to school for the rest of the year. My hands were gripping her ass and her tongue was in my mouth making me moan softly into her before my mom's coughing broke us from the moment.

"Mom, she was just saying good morning!" I told her.

"Uh huh. As much as I love seeing you two happy, I don't need to see that when Steven has to work all day, and I have a night shift!" she scolded with a smile. I knew she truly was happy for us since she seemed to tell me that every chance she could. But that kind of schedule meant no seeing Steven until Wednesday, and that meant a cranky mom.

"We'll try to keep it down Wendy, we're sorry," Sam promised, while still hugging me.

"It's fine. I really am happy for you; you remind me so much of when I was young and in love minus the whole teen pregnancy thing. I'm so glad you found each other, and even more glad you can't get knocked up! I'm too young do be a grandmother, so don't rush things!"

We hadn't talked about kids yet, though I know we both wanted some. But I also know we both want to go to college, so we can wait till after we graduate, and then talk about options. Yes, that was probably something most couples would talk about before they got married, but we skipped a few steps.

"Come on Sammy, let's go sell a company," I suggested.

She breathed deep and let out a sigh. "Yep. Time to go do this."

"Oh! And bring your phone, I have an idea for when we're done!" I told her. Since we'd been keeping it off to prevent her dad from using the whole find my phone thing, she hadn't been able to talk to Janine. I was hoping we could fix that today.

She looked at me with a silent question, but I just leaned over and pecked her on the nose. "Just do it Sammy. It's a good thing."

She went back to the bedroom and grabbed her phone from the nightstand and then we headed out towards the car. The lawyer's office was downtown, but it was well after rush hour, so the traffic wasn't too bad. I don't think I'd seen Sammy this nervous, and she was gripping my hand tight as we drove.

"You alright Sammy?"

She looked over at me with a small smile. "Yeah, sorry. I just really want this all over. We've come so far, and I don't think I could handle it if things fell apart now," she admitted.

I nodded along with her explanation. I knew we both had our hopes up, and it was a good plan. But until it was done, there was always a chance that things could fall apart somehow. The lawyer's office was in one of the larger buildings downtown, so we snagged a parking spot in one of the nearby parking garages and headed into the structure. The elevator ride was quiet, with Sammy still gripping my hand nervously.

"It's okay babe. We'll be in and out in an hour. Piece of cake!" Sammy nodded in agreement but looked a little pale. Once we reached the right floor, I pulled her out and then into a hug. "I'll be right next to you the whole time. You're the strongest girl I know, and you'll be fine."

"I keep thinking my dad knows we got married and is going to be waiting there for me," she whispered, tears in her eyes.

Reaching up, I wiped the tears gently away and kissed her softly. "I told you, I'll be right next to you. If he somehow was there, I'd be between you and him the entire way, and he'd never do a thing. You met the trust requirements, so there is nothing he can do except complain."

"I love you so much Abby. Thanks for standing by me with all this family craziness." She leaned in for another kiss, and then nodded to let me know we could go.

It was a nice office. Small, with just a young man for a secretary who politely asked us to wait while sticking his head into the office to let the lawyer know we were there. It wasn't a long wait, within minutes we were told we could go in, and entered the office where a tall, thin man with little wisps of blonde hair greeted us.

"Ms. Bishop, welcome!" he greeted Sam while shaking her hand.

At that point, I realized something else we never discussed. Should either of us change our name? Abby Bishop sounded pretty good, but so did Sam Reynolds. Bishop-Reynolds? Stop! Pay attention!

"Thanks Mr. Francis, my apologies for the short notice with the meeting." Sam looked much more relaxed now that the specter of her dad wasn't here in the office.

"Oh, it's fine. Did we need to change the allowance from the trust or something?" He smiled genially.

"No, not at all." Sam replied with a happy smile. "I'm here to introduce you to my wife, Abby Reynolds." She handed over the envelope with the marriage certificate so he could verify it.

He hesitated a moment, and then broke into a hearty laugh. It was much deeper than his thin frame would suggest, and for some reason all I could think was with pillows under a coat he'd make a great Santa.

"So, I guess you're here to outsmart your father?" Mr. Francis asked, wiping away a few stray tears that had come out while laughing.

Sam nodded eagerly. "You mentioned we had several offers to sell the company, and I'd like to know if they're still on the table. If so, then yes, I'd like to sell immediately. I don't want those other contracts that he drew up to come into effect," Sam explained.

Mr. Francis nodded and then pulled out a big folder. "We have had four offers presented. The most recent is only two weeks old, so it should still be valid, and of course the one with the Wilson's you don't want. That leaves two others that are good, though I'll have to call to see if they're still viable options for you."

"Can you give me an overview of them?" Sam asked politely.

"Of course. The most recent one is also for the most money. Effectively they just want to buy your clients, but they'd lay off the entire work force, for $425 million." Mr. Francis stated blandly.

I was very glad I wasn't eating or drinking, or I might have shot food or water right out of my mouth. How did this seem like it was no big deal for him? Holy shit! I'm no gold digger, I never married Abby for money, but that amount of money was simply staggering.

"$425 million?" Sam asked in a quavering voice while reaching over to grip my hand. "What are the others?"

"The other two are similar to each other. They would both simply absorb your company, and then keep the structure as is. The only difference is that this one would change the management. That one is for $375 million, while the other is $370." Mr. Francis was reading through the papers as he said all this, not noticing our stunned expressions.

"Unbelievable," Sam muttered. "Can you confirm the offer that fires my dad but keeps the other employees? I don't think he deserves to keep it, even if that makes me petty."

With a chuckle, Mr. Francis nodded and picked up his phone and started talking to the company that made the offer.

While he talked, Sam looked over at me, her eyes wide with wonder. "Are you alright?" she asked.

"Well, I'm just mentally calculating how many pizzas I can afford now." I couldn't help but giggle, but she looked so lost after getting this information that I had to try to lighten the situation. "Seriously though, this is pretty amazing, and I'm proud of you for thinking about the employees."

"They never did anything but make the company money and work hard, so they deserve to keep their jobs. But my dad treated me like I wasn't worth being his daughter, so I can return the favor. I know it's not nice of me, but he was willing to marry me off to a rapist. So, I don't feel too bad about it." Sam's voice was soft, not wanting to interrupt Mr. Francis, and I patted my lap as an invitation to come sit. She didn't even hesitate but sat on my lap sideways with her legs draped over the arm of the chair and her head on top of mine.

It still wasn't fair that she was so tall!

We sat in silence, just holding each other, and occasionally trading tender kisses but careful not to get worked up, until Mr. Francis was off the phone.

"They'll honor the deal, congratulations!"

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