Miss Ono

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After about a few hours, mean Yoko was driving her car down the road to the studio.
"Excuse me, Mr Sutcliffe. I need to see you and Pattie Boyd about George!"  Yoko demanded.
"George? Well what did George do?" Stuart said lightning a cigarette.
"What he did? The bite on my leg explains it!" Yoko said angrily. She lifted up her dress to reveal a perfect bite mark that was beginning to turn purple.
"Oh wow. You mean George bit you?" Stuart said.
"No, that disgusting mutt did!" Yoko said cruelly.
"Oh. He bit his doggie?" Stuart said smartly.
Yoko gave him a death glare. Pattie came out of house dusting some dirt off her dress. She invited Yoko in.

"Martha is a devil. I'm taking her to the sheriff so she won't bite anyone again!"
"Martha?! Taken away?! No you can't!? Pattie don't let her take her." George cried.
"Of course we won't. Will we, Pat?" Stuart said cuddling George into his chest.
Pattie stared into space for a while. She didn't want to make her Georgie unhappy.
"If you don't hand over that dog, I'll take your whole studio. There is a law protecting folks against dogs that bite!" Yoko said. She handed Pattie a note.
"There's the note form the sheriff allowing me to take her." Pattie and Stuart took a good long luck at it.
"We can't go against the law, Georgie. I'm afraid you're going have to had over Martha." Pattie said sadly. George couldn't believe it. His best friend was going to be taken away.
"Now your seeing reason!" Yoko began. She sat up and shoved at basket in front of George for him to put Martha in.
"So she can't attack me again!"
"No,no I won't let you take her! You go away or I'll bite you myself!" George screamed.
"George!" Pattie said.
"You wicked old witch!" George said beginning to cry.
"Put her in basket Stuart." Pattie said looking at floor rubbing her neck.
Stuart gently took Martha out of George's arms and cradled her close. He then placed her in Yoko's basket. George took one look at everyone before running to his room to sob. Pattie walked over to Yoko.
"You don't have the power to run us. For years I've been dying to tell you what I think of you. Well I can't saying it now!" Pattie said almost crying. She ran to George's room to confort her boy. Stuart had nothing else to say.
Yoko went on her way to have Martha destroyed.

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