Today like other days I decided to take my little sister Sofi out for a walk to the park. I been spending much more time than usual with her to keep my mind off Lauren. It's hard to forget someone when everything reminds you of them. Today I was teaching her how to ride a bike with training wheels of course.

"Lauren not coming today; she said she'd be here with me" she asked the most innocent way. Of course the little one didn't know what happened between us.

"No baby she can't come. It will be fun just the two of us you'll see. Come on I'll show you" I tried encouraging her as best as I could.

"She told me she shows me. Will she be here next time?" She asked hopefully

"Maybe" I smile at her not wanting to break her heart but assuring her that there is hope.

She was a natural. She learned to not be scared and just try it; not matter the outcome. Just with that alone was progress right? It took her few tries and almost a couple falls until she actually fell and started crying. She scraped her elbow and it was hardly bleeding.

"Hey hey there, you're a big strong girl, it's okay, it will heal" I kissed her head to ease the pain and calm her down. She stopped crying and picked up her bike.

"Let's go home" she suggested and I nodded and followed.

We started walking back home from the park. She seemed like everything was okay as if she never scraped her elbow. The day was beautiful the sun was out and the breeze was cool. Sofi looked happy in general so I was happy that we got to do this. I started then thinking of Lauren and how she would hold my hand close to her while we walked in the park. The way she made not only me but my sister feels loved. She would talk to me about nature, something she's always been passionate about.

I broke out of my thoughts when I realize unfortunately we were walking pass Lauren's house because it was on the way. Lauren's mom, Clara was outside watering her plants. Next thing I knew I felt Sofi pull on my shirt.

"Let's see Lauren! I want her to see my scar. She thinks I'm tough" she laughed and tried to seem intimidating.

"Haha you are tough! But she's not home, maybe another-" she ran to Lauren's house and hug Lauren's mom. I ran after her with a smile. Little girls just don't listen.

"Hi Laurens mom, look I fell today! I want to show my cut, I got it by riding my-" My younger sister tried explaining before I cut her off.

"I'm sorry about that she was really excited and ran off" I said partly laughing and then looked at Sofi like she was in trouble.

"Oh no it's okay" She turned and looked down at my sister "Let me see little one" she looked down and paid attention to my little sister enthusiasm about her cut. Sofi was telling her everything that happened and when the cut heals she will have a scar that will make her that much more tough.

I didn't want to look but I glanced over to Lauren's window. I saw her shadow, I knew she was home. What if she saw me? Is this awkward? I didn't feel like I belonged here anymore. I was a stranger. But even then I couldn't help but think what she was doing. Was she reading, listening to music, surfing the internet? She always looked so gorgeous when she was concentrated on something. It's funny to think that I haven't talked to her since our fight, but yet I am here having a conversation with her mom at her house.

I think Clara notice me upset looking into Lauren's room. Because she spoke up

"She doesn't talk much anymore. She isolated herself from everyone. She doesn't eat but she never gets out of bed. I was wondering if you can talk to her and maybe see if you can help her" she older women suggested.

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