What awaits us on Earth?

Start from the beginning

It would appear that the explorers got lost in the tunnels and out of cold and starvation two of them lost their minds and turned to cannibalism to survive. I will now gather our people and relay the message to them, they were soon all squealing and jumping for joy as the boogie man wasn't real. Barklop said is there any way out of the canyon?
Cytran said not sure yet but the canyon is vast and you only occupy a small area, this canyon has grown greatly since you first came here due to the melting Glaciers and from what I have seen of the earth so far, you're in a great place to live. Once we send clothing equipment and other manufacturers aids your people should have a great future here.

The Fly Guys were all welcome to join the newly grown earth's population and settled down to a magnificent feast of fish rice and locally foraged edible plants. Cytran explained her thoughts on what her people from New Hope were planning with their migration to earth which may take years.
The last thing our people will bring is the pods which will have to be flown here as they won't be able to come via the gateway but we plan to send them remotely which can be done at a much greater speed as there are no humans on board.
Although they can travel fast it'll still take a lifetime for them to reach us because of the vast distance they have to travel.

Almost one-third of the population on New Hope decided to stay as they were happy there and the chances of being attacked by the Killer Aliens in their lifetime were slim. These people were in the older group and another concern that they had was Earth had a dark past with death distraction and disease of its people.
Mebroy the senior storyteller said if in time we have more people who want to travel to earth once a communication line is in place and the gateway can be opened then we will have that choice.
Mebroy has been communicating regularly with the anxious team on New World as this was indeed an exciting time for everyone involved and the people of New World agreed and didn't want to leave unless they had to.

The Guardian Aliens finally reached New World and again spent several months studying the population and trying to contact them through their thoughts. They kept themselves concealed so as not to alarm these humans with their appearance and large size.
Eventually bit by bit the people were getting their messages and were able to communicate with the Guardian Aliens so they made themselves visible and got gasp's of horror as these twelve feet tall stick insect type creatures with enormous heads appeared the humans were reassured that they were not in danger. The Guardian Aliens communicator decided it was time to reveal they are true looks as in the past they kept it hidden or disguised to not cause panic.

The Communicator gathered the scientific minds of the New World's people to give them a full explanation of themselves and their intentions, the Communicator's brain was spinning with questions from the scientists so the only way to deal with them was to flood them with answers. Humans only live short lives of around eighty years but we live for thousands of years, we have been interactive with humans on earth for more than twelve million years. Humans have changed greatly over that time and earth's population has been almost wiped out many times by natural disasters, disease and humans themselves. The Killer Aliens have also been responsible for five such near-extinction events. The only way to escape the dreaded Killer Aliens is to live underground as we do and the only way we survive there is to grow our food underground as when the Killer Aliens attack a planet they will destroy everything leaving just a barren wasteland.

We tried for millions of years to track them but they have superior speed and they outnumber us greatly, we know they send scout ships out looking for places to raid and they just appear to only destroy for sport. We discovered one of these scout ships crashed on our planet millions of years ago, it was a small spacecraft with its single occupant deceased and we know one such event happened on earth at Roswell.
We reversed engineered the spacecraft and gained a lot of knowledge towards building our own fleet of spacecraft but were not able to discover the secret of the spacecraft's fuel system it appeared to run on nothing but the atmosphere around it.

The crashed scout ships weren't able to contact the Killer Aliens as to their whereabouts so we were lucky not to have been attacked again by their devastating raids as once they start on their destructive part they leave nothing alive animal or plant.
The only way we managed to survive their raids was to live deep underground where we learned to cultivate a food source as the surface of our planet was a barren wasteland for decades after each raid.
This distraction has happened many times throughout the millennium throughout many galaxies earth has suffered the same fate twice and managed to recover but the same could not be said for Mars as when we discovered the last remaining population on the edge of extinction we transported them to several small isolated locations on earth as they were giant human-type creatures.

The scientists were mostly satisfied with their answers but they then enquired about the future of their species, the Communicator's suggestions were to send the people pods back to earth the same way they arrived on New World.
Although it will take almost two hundred years the humans on earth will need to get back to the lifestyle that was developed their before humans start destroying earth's precious atmosphere again with pollution and bad living practices.
New World is too far from the earth for us to establish a gateway so this is the only option for those of you who wish to travel back to your home planet earth.

Please advise me on your thoughts on this epic tale and read my first book..... Untamed and Uncharted

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