What awaits us on Earth?

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With the confirmation of our people now living on earth, the decision was made to send twelve fly guys with their B drones to try to locate them as it wasn't known just where the gateway will deliver us.
Clothing, food, farm equipment and Mag motors as well as a team of strong healthy people to set up colonies.
We have had no communication with the Guardian Aliens now since they left for New World almost twelve months ago but with the majority of our people advising us to go now which was also supported by the New World team.

The Fly Guys arrived in an abandoned patch of a heavily wooded valley on earth, as the earth was a large and unknown planet it would take a massive effort to find the other humans living in a canyon where it's like finding a needle in a haystack Jaka said. Micro said we will have to work together in circular patterns at high altitudes searching for smoke from their campfires. Zent said we can have our B drones search the forest sections for any signs of life here now on this reborn planet.
The twelve Fly Guy team searched for almost three months without finding any sign of life except for fish in the streams so they returned back to the others for a rest and form another plan.

The village construction was going well with many cabins completed with many more underway, crops were planted and this place really felt like home to the weary Fly Guys.
With a week's rest, the team decided to try the other side of the planet in the warm zone, it took them over twelve weeks to get there with their rest stops. Finally, a lush green valley appeared from between a series of massive glaciers, as the Fly Guys approached their excitement built as smoke appeared, yeah yeah yeah we did it we did it.
Cyran was the first to reach the frightened bunch of shabby people and as she tried to speak to them they ran away, the other Fly Guys then joined her within an hour and headed off through the fields to search for the new generation of earthlings.

As they reached the edge of the fields a cliff appeared with hundreds of these cave people and an old white-haired man standing between them, he said I am Barklop and I am the last survivor of S.E.3.
I can't remember how old I am or how long I have been here but I do recall the Fly Guys from my past, I am the only one here who can speak unless you can communicate to these people using telepathy then you will need my help.
Their parents found it easy to teach them to communicate with their minds than to teach them to talk so the only sounds you will hear from them are squealing with excitement, yelling in frustration or grunts of anger.

The Fly Guys said many of us have recently learned how to communicate telepathically but as yet are not very good at it but we believe it will come in time. Now tell us Barklop apart from your clothes how have you survived here has it been difficult?
Barklop said we have lived in fear here since our first group of explorers were massacred as they tried to find a way out of this valley, Barklop then went on to tell the story to the Fly Guys who were gobsmacked.
Cytran said we will put together a team of B drones to search the Glacier tunnels to get some answers for your people, we have searched a lot of this planet so far looking for you and have only found fish.

The B drones are very efficient and won't take long to send us back signals to our monitors, Barklop said yeah I do remember them and there were so many times in the past that we all wished we had brought some of them with us, but there were so many things we also should have brought. But we got here alive and we were all great full to our saviours for that miracle, how about you guys did you get here the same way? Cytran said yes but we had time to bring everything we need to start colonies so we came here to also help you people. We are currently building colonies on the other side of the planet but we have Mag motors and a lot more equipment we brought through the gateway.

It wasn't long before the B drones found the I'll fated team of explorers and as they were in the Glaciers icy tunnels the state of decomposition wasn't harsh. The story of mutilated bodies was true of three of them, it appeared that their livers had been taken, five other members had been bludgeoned to death with a blunt instrument all of their clothes and two of the explorers were missing. Several hours further up the tunnel, a body was found wearing multiple layers of clothing and then within another hour, the other body was found the same way.
Barklop sunk to his knees and said we have all lived here in fear for no reason, when our people came across this gruesome site all those years ago they jumped to the wrong conclusion and maybe fear prevented them from thinking rationally.

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