I knocked on the door and waited for an answer. Her mom opened the door. “Hi sweetie, if you looking for Camila, she isn’t in right now, is there anything I can help you with?” she asked with such a kind gentle voice.

“No, I’m not her to see Camila..” that’s all I could manage to say. I couldn’t believe how incredibly nervous I was.

“Would you like to come in, I made fresh lemonade” she held the door so I would walk in. We both walked to the kitchen and she served me a glass of lemonade. Her husband was sitting at the table reading the paper and her mom sat next to him but across from me. I assume they wanted to know the reason I was here.

“uhm.. Hi Mr. Cabello.. My name is Lauren, I’m one of Camila’s friends” I took a sip of my glass before I continued. “You see Mr. and Mrs. Cabello, I’m here because I really like your daughter and well I would really like to take her out on a date” I never been so nervous in my life, her dad kept staring at me with a mixture of shock and hatred.

 After what seem like forever her father finally answered. “What exactly are your intentions with my daughter?”

“Well sir, I would like to buy her some hot chocolate and take her walking in the park and see the stars with her. I was leaning for something simple and romantic... Sir I assure you I will have her back by any time you please.”

He sighed and looked over at his wife who was rubbing her hand softly on his back for support. “I appreciate you doing the responsible thing and coming to us” he started and paused before continuing “I will allow you to take my daughter out on the condition she needs to be back before eleven and not a minute later. Also I want your phone number just in case I need to reach you”

End of Flash Back

There is was her beautiful bubbly laugh. It was like music to my ears. She squeezed my hand tighter and kissed my cheek “Thank you that was really sweet of you.” We ended up talking the whole night, telling me what she loves and hates about life. I loved the way her eyes sparkled when she talked about something she was passionate about like her obsession with Demi, Ed Sheeran and One Direction. It was 10:50 when we arrived at her house. I walked her to her  front door.

“I had a great time, thank-” I didn’t let her finish her sentence because I just kissed her. To my surprise she kissed me back. Like always it was amazing. It wasn’t very long, but just the way her lips felt in mine was all that mattered.

We looked into each other’s eyes, both smiling like idiots. I have her small little kisses all over her face. She was giggling, that’s how I knew I was doing something right.

 “Camz, let’s go out again, tomorrow” She just nodded and kissed me once last time before she went inside. This will be a day to remember for sure.

Camilas POV

It’s been 3 weeks since Lauren asked me to go out on a date. But ever since that day Lauren and I been going out every weekend, the whole weekend. During the week she would come over and ‘do’ homework with me. Most of the time she would just lay there with me playing with my hair and talking to me while I did my work. Just like today.

I was sitting on my bed resting my back against the head rest. Lauren was lying down with her head on my lap. It’s actually strange how we became comfortable in such a short time. After a couple of minutes I notice she fell asleep. It was so adorable; I just smiled and continue reading. After a couple minutes I hear her speak “Why don’t you read me what you’re reading camzi?”At first I hesitated but in a few moments I started to read to her. When I finally finished reading the chapter I closed my book and looked at her. She had a small smile on her face, she’s been looking at me the whole time.

“What” I say as I play with her hair.

“It’s just you have an amazing voice Camz, I love the way you read, you get so lost into the book. It’s as if you can picture yourself there.” She grabs my hand and kisses the back of it.


“Dinah, I don’t think she likes me like that. It’s so frustrating. It’s been a month, a month and she still hasn’t asked me to her girlfriend” I said as I cover my face and lay it on the table. We were in lunch and I couldn’t get over the fact that Lauren hasn’t asked me to be her girlfriend yet. We always go out and hang out with each other. We kiss all the time. I started to feel used.

“Mila, but you guys kiss all the time. You are practically dating. I don’t know Mila, maybe she isn’t that type of girl to be in a relationship you know?” she tried comforting me.

“But, I want to talk to talk to her about it, but his week she’s been rather busy. She hardly answers my text, or calls me. We haven’t hung out together. Maybe she isn’t interested anymore. Why does this have to be so complicated?” I sigh and look up to look at her. “I mean she want even in class today, and she promise to eat lunch with us today.”

“Maybe something came up and-” she didn’t get to finish her sentence when the school band came marching in the cafeteria area. Two people came in with a huge poster that said “Camila Cabello, If I hadn’t made it clear before let me makes it clear now…”

That’s when Lauren came from where the band was, she was carrying a dozen of roses. She walked over to my table. She had a huge smile on her face, but she looked a bit nervous. “Camz, Will you be my girlfriend?” I couldn’t believe what was happening. I was literally speechless; I nod and hug her tight. My lips instantly meet hers. We kissed in front of everyone not caring what people thought.

Once I pulled away I whispered “I thought you never asked” 

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