Episode 7

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Lexi's POV
I went to find some fruit or something in the woods, I knew I was being followed. I turned around and saw Sam.
Sam: "Hey beautiful."
Lexi: "Oh hey there"
Sam pulled me into a kissed. And things started to get tense.

Briana's POV
We was all sitting around the fire eating fish.
Sophia: "Pass the fish, please."
I usually don't eat fish or squirrels, but this little Dixon do like anything.
Shane: "Man o man, that's good."
Morales: "I've got to ask you, man. It's been driving me crazy."
Dale: "What?"
Morales: "That watch."
Dale: "What's wrong with my watch?"
Morales: "I see you every day, the same time, winding that thing, like a village priest saying mass."
Briana: "I've wondered this myself."
Dale: "I'm missing the point."
Briana: "Unless I've misread the signs, the world seems to have come to an end. At least hit a speed bump for a good long while."
Morales: "But there's you every day winding that stupid watch."
Dale: "Time—It's important to keep track, isn't it? The day at least. Don't you think Andrea? Back me up here."
Dale: "I like— I like what, um, a father said to son when he gave him a watch, that had been handed down through generations. He said, "I give you the mausoleum of all hope and desire, which will fill your individual needs no better than it did mine or my father's before me; I give it to you, not that you may remember time, but that you may forget it for a moment now and then, and not spend all of your breath trying to conquer it."
Amy: "You are so weird."
Dale: "it's not me. It's Faulkner. William Faulkner. Maybe my bad paraphrasing."
Amy gotten up.
Andrea: "Where are you going?"
Amy: "I have to pee. Jeez, you try to be discreet around here—"
Amy had came out of the RV
Amy: "We're out of toilet paper?"
We all heard scream and Andrea turn around to see that a walker had gotten to Amy. It was too late to save her. Everyone was screaming. Shane picked Sean up and hand him to Lexi as he told us to go to the RV. Shane was in front of all of us as him, Sam, and Dean started to shoot the walkers. Then out of no where I saw Daryl.
Daryl: "Briana!!!"
I was about to run to him put Dean grabbed me.
Dean: "Stayed right there"
Lexi was holding Sean tightly. After everything was over I ran straight to Daryl.
Briana: "Oh god, I was so worried."
Daryl: "It's ok, I'm here baby.How's little Dixon?"
Briana: "She's kicking."
I hugged him tightly.
We both laughed and kissed. Shane had Sean in his arms while Rick, Carl, and Lori was together along with Lexi and Sam. Andrea was next to Amy.
Andrea: "Oh, Amy. I don't know what to do, Amy."
Andrea was crying. Everyone saw that Amy was dead, Lexi started to cry as well. I felt bad for Andrea. We lost a lot of people.

Daryl's POV
I couldn't sleep so I watched Briana sleep peacefully. God she's so perfect. I let her sleep in while we move the bodies. I pull my blanket on top of Briana knowing that she's cold and bend down and gave her tummy a kiss. I got out of the tent and helped move the bodies from last night.
Lexi: "Where's Briana?"
Daryl: "Im letting her sleep in. She needs rest."
Lexi: "Thank you for taking care of my sister."
Daryl: "Mmmhmm"
Andrea was still next to Amy's body.
Lori: "She's been there all night. What do we do?"
Shane: "Can't just leave Amy like that. We need to deal with it, same as the others."
Rick: "I'll tell her how it is."
Rick walked over to Andrea and she pulled a gun out to Rick.
Andrea: "I know how the safety works."
Rick: "Im sorry"
Rick backed away.
Daryl: "Y'all can't be serious. Let that girl hamstring us? The dead girl's a time bomb."
I tried keeping my voice down so I don't wake up Briana.
Rick: "What do you suggest?"
Daryl: "Take the shot. Clean, in the brain from here. Hell, I can hit a turkey between the eyes from this distance."
Lexi: "No. For God's sakes, let her be."
I walked back to where I was.
Daryl: "Wake up, Jimbo. We've got some work to do."
I helped Morales with a body to burn them.
Glenn: "What are you guys doing? This is for geeks. Our people go over there."
Daryl: "What's the difference? They're all infected."
Glenn: "Our people go in that row over there. We don't burn them! We bury them. Understand?"
Me and Morales move the body we have to the row.

Briana's POV
I woke up from Glenn yelling.
Rick: "Good morning little sis."
Briana: "Umm good morning. Where's Daryl?"
Rick: "Helping moving the bodies from last night."
I stood there talking to Rick since I haven't seen him ever since he visited me in the hospital after me and Daryl lost our son. I caught Rick on everything about the unborn child.
Oh yeah I forgot. I thought I was dreaming, I walked over to Daryl.
Daryl: "Good morning sunshine."
I roll my eyes and yawn. We heard Jaquci saying that Jim got bit. Daryl had pushed me behind him.
Daryl: "I say we put a pickaxe in his head and the dead girl's and be done with it."
Sam: "Is that what you'd want if it were you?"
Daryl: "Yeah, and I'd thank you while you did it."
Dale: "I hate to say it—I never thought I would— but maybe Daryl's right."
Rick: "Jim's not a monster, Dale, or some rabid dog."
Dale: "I'm not suggesting-
Rick: "He's sick. A sick man. We start down that road, where do we draw the line?"
Daryl: "The line's pretty clear. Zero tolerance for walkers, or them to be."
Rick: "What if we can get him help? I heard the C.D.C was working on a cure."
Dean: "I heard that too. Heard a lot of things before the world went to hell."
Rick: "What if the C.D.C is still up and running?"
Shane: "Man, that is a stretch right there."
Rick: "Why? If there's any government left, any structure at all, they'd protect the C.D.C at all costs, wouldn't they? I think it's our best shot. Shelter, protection—
Shane: "Okay, Rick, you want those things, all right? I do too, okay? Now if they exist, they're at the army base. Fort Benning."
Lori: "That's 100 miles in the opposite direction."
Shane: "That is right. But it's away from the hot zone. Now listen to me. If that place is operational, it'll be heavily armed. We'd be safe there."
Rick: "The military were on the front lines of this thing. They got overrun. We've all seen that. The CDC is our best choice and Jim's only chance."
Daryl: "You go looking for aspirin, do what you need to do. Someone needs to have some balls to take care of this damn problem!"
Daryl ran to Jim about to kill him but Rick pull out his gun at Daryl's head.
Rick: "We don't kill the living."
Daryl: "That's funny coming from a man who just put a gun to my head."
Shane: "We may disagree on some things, not on this. You put the pickaxe down."
I shake my head and went to sit down for a bit to catch my breath. I'm tired of seeing my brother and Daryl fight. Glenn sat next to me.
Briana: "Glenn, can I ask you something?"
Glenn: "Yeah?"
Briana: "Can you be the GodFather?"
Glenn jaw dropped.
Glenn: "are you serious?"
I nod my head and we hug.
Glenn: "I love you best friend."
I smiled.

Andrea put a bullet in Amy's and we did a memorial for our people. We started to pack our stuff that we need, Daryl helped me in the truck.
Shane: "Everybody listen up. Those of you with CBs we're gonna be on channel 40. Let's keep the chatter down, okay? Now you got a problem, don't have a CB, can't get a signal or anything at all, you're gonna hit your horn one time. That'll stop the caravan."
I was still sitting in Daryl's truck waiting to leave. I was dozing off, as soon as I started to fall asleep I heard Daryl closing the truck door I jumped.
Briana: "Damn Daryl..."
Daryl: "Sorry, come here."
He put his arm around me as he got one hand on the steering wheel, I was snuggled up against his chest. He told me about Morales and his family going to Alabama.
Briana: "I'm hungry baby.."
I said as I unzip his pants and pulled out his dick.
Daryl: "Damn babygirl."
I started sucking his dick while he driving, his hand was rubbing my back. Daryl was moaning.
Daryl: "Don't make me pull over...cause I will."
I was sucking hard. I stopped as we came to a stop on the road. They all got out while I stayed in the truck. Dean came up behind Daryl. Dean started laughing and teasing him about how he was all over the road.
Daryl: "Shut up."
Dale: "I told you we'd never get far on that hose. I said I needed the one from the cube van."
Rick: "Can you jury rig it?"
Dale: "That's all it's been so far. It's more duct tape than hose. And I'm out of duct type."
Sam: "I see something up ahead. A gas station if we're lucky."
As Daryl got back in he told me about Jim. Damn.

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