"She is acting weird for sure", Ciara chimes in. "As far as I know her, she is a nice girl but anyone change in a blink of a eye."

Even for love? For Stefan?

"Anyways I'm leaving Jess", Leo stands up. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Me too", Ciara kisses me on my cheek and takes her leave with Leo.

Once they are gone, I feel like I need some cold air to refresh my mind. I go in the garden and sit down on the cool grass.

"Hey", I hear Stefan's voice as he wraps a blanket around me and takes a seat beside me. "I have been looking for you."

"I'm here", I look at him. He looks tired.

"Are you angry at me?", he probes.

"I'm not angry", I assure him. "I'm glad you are okay. I was so worried when you were not picking up my call."

"I had given Cara my phone to call her parents but she lost it somewhere in her house when the police were taking her statement. I haven't found it yet."

"It's okay", I sigh and lean my head on his arm.

"I'm so sorry for ruining our first date night", he apologizes again and wounds his arm around me. "I tried to come early but there was no one with Cara. She was so shaken up. I couldn't leave her on her own in that state."

"You don't have to apologize for helping someone", I smile at him and place the blanket around him as well. "You did a good job and you did the right thing by staying with her. This whole incident can be traumatising. I'm glad you stayed by her side."

"You are amazing", he says in wonder and places a kisses on my head.

"I know right", I sigh. "I'm too amazing"

Stefan laughs as he pulls me closer. "When I first saw you in your dress earlier, I had to catch my breath. You look so enticingly gorgeous. All I could think was 'Damn I am really a lucky man'."

I lean up and kiss him gently. "And I am lucky too. I have Liam and you."

"I hope you didn't ate", he says. "I ordered pizza for us."

"I am actually really hungry", I claim.

"It's way past dinner time", he conveys remorsefully.

"Stefan", I hug him. "It's okay. Atleast we are still having dinner together and it's still like a date. I know it's not like the fancy type you imagined but out here is still the best. Plus we get to stargaze. Isn't it romantic?"

"It is", he agrees and asks with worry, "Are you tired?"

I shake my head.

"Good", he smiles. "Because I have a plan. But you have to wait a little bit for that, is it okay?"

"Okay", I agree while staring at him dreamily.

"Close your eyes", he instructs.


"Just close them babe"

"Fine", I sigh and close them.

Stefan walks back inside and after a while I can hear him shuffling around. I hear the clinking of glasses and he curses in a low voice. After a few seconds, the bell rings.

"Should I get it?", I ask.

"No. Stay where you are", he warns. "And Jess don't open your eyes. Please"

"But you wouldn't know if I open them when you're gone", I tease him with no intention of actually opening them.

"I'm trusting you on this", his voice fades as he returns back inside.

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