Justin Bieber confuses my emotions.

"Okay, you leave right now, get Alex to drive you or something (I don't think he's drinking), then I'll tell everybody to some to yours in like and hour or two so that he doesn't notice you've gone." Kiara explains to me her eyes wide and a small proud smile appears on her lips as she looks at me for approval.

"Can't I just go?" I ask my voice very quiet and sheepish as though I'm Jamie's age. "You and the girls can come a little later but I just wanna be alone for a little while and I don't want to ruin it for everybody." I explain grasping my bottom lip between my teeth and nibbling on it nervously. Kiara nods a small sympathetic smile on her lips, whispering a small barely audible 'okay' and I suddenly feel a little better.

I swear we have a bipolar relationship. One minute we're yelling at each other about something stupid the next thing I know I'm being hugged so tight I can barely breath. "This is dumb." Kiara repeats as she squishes me close to her in her half drunken state. I simply laugh at her as she continues to go on about how she hopes my day wasn't ruined by all this drama etc. etc. My birthday was anything but ruined, I was just a little shocked and filled with something I've never really felt before to cope with this all right now.

I sneak my way out if the bathrooms my body quickly colliding with somebodies because I was too focused on everybody but the people in front of me. The person quickly grasps my wrist steadying me in my place as I make a small 'oomf' noise. I'm 22, what? Really? "You okay there?" Alex's voice asks loudly as I nod absentmindedly and tucking a strand of my straight hair behind my ear. "You don't look it, you sure?" Alex asks making me roll my eyes.

"I'm fine!" I snap my eyes flicking to the people that were moving to the loud music around us, checking I see if Justin was there. "I just wanna go home." I mumble making my way to the entrance/exit of Crystal the blue strobe lights flashing through the dark room where the floor was practically shaking with the bass of the music. I could feel Alex's presence behind me with each small step I took until the clouded class door was opened for me and the light returned I a normal level an the loud music was somewhat muted.

"Let me drive you." Al offered making my cheeks heat up before I nod biting the inside of my lip. It's wrong to blush at things your boss says, right?

Without any further questions Alex leads me tithe valet where he hand over the ticket and waits for his car to be brought back to him. Alex never asks more questions than he needs to, if I wanted to talk I know I can but he wouldn't push me for answers; he's just not that type of person.

As the valet pulls up with Al's car I spot a few flashes going off in the distance and they make me roll my eyes in annoyance. Every now and then there's a few paparazzi following me, I guess to see who exactly 'Justin Biebers Chick' is. It's hilarious.

We drive home, me singing every song that came on the radio badly; the whole thing making Alex laugh his ass off and I'm pretty sure he even recorded some I it, lord knows how.

Half an hour later we arrived outside of my apartment building. I was halfway through humming and mumbling Come As You Are by Yuna. Alex parking across the street as I sit awkwardly my fingers fiddling softly in my lap. "Sure, you're okay?" Alex asks again as I nod my head shrugging it off.

"Let me go and sip on my wine and eat chocolates and I'll be fine, I promise." I half joke causing a small awkward laugh to come from both of us.

I lean over the middle section of the car and wrap my arms around his body as Alex did the same. "Happy birthday, Charlie." Alex cheers in my ear, his soft breath tickling my neck causing me to squirm in his arms a little.

I'm not sure quite happens but the next thing I know Alex's hand is tangled up in my hair, our lips moulding together almost so perfectly it sends a fire racing through my senses as a single chill runs down my spine. My fingers grip his shirt tightly before we both pull away panting for air, my face hovering by his for a second as my cheeks burn a crimson colour and my hands go clammy. "uh, thanks... for the ride. I-I-I'll see you next week." I stutter Picking up my clutch bag which rested in my lap and reaching for the door handle and mumbling a small "Bye." as I climbed out shyly.

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