ABC's Of A Popular Girl

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*Authors Note: This is a blown up example of a stereotypes that actually exist. This is kind of my thing. If you have any more ideas for stereotypes I should break, please comment them in line.*

A is the only letter ever on the grades. You better get that 4.0 GPA or you have another thing coming your way.

Be an ornament for the manliness jock. Your only made for the guys anyways. Your their prize for being born beautiful.

Cute is goal one, not knowledge or fun. Don't let your priorities get mixed up or you're going to trip up. Now that is something makeup can't hide.

Dress up and don't forget to show a bit of skin. Being out of your comfort zone is worth it, right? I mean, if you want to be socially acceptable, then that is one of the cost.

Eating or perfect figure? Basically outcast or popular. What is your choice? Either way, you are still going to be called fat.

Failing? Give your work to the nerds. It is all they are good for anyways. You don't have time for that. You are busy flirting with boys and spreading gossip.

Good enough is a bar out of reach. We have to be perfect, yet we can't even be good enough. What type of loser are we? We just aren't popular enough. That's it, not popular enough.

Happiness is what you have now. Enjoy it while it lasts because it is just a dream. It will fade just like you, so you better keep that smile on your face.

Idiots are what we call those who follow their own path. There is only one path: our path. We set the trends. You want to be a follower? Fine, Idiot.

Jealous? Prove your worth and be popular. Once that happens, we can talk about the worth of your thoughts.

Kind people don't exist. Maybe it is time you finally open your eyes and grow up a bit. It is a war zone out here. Only weaklings scream medic.

Love is beauty. If you have no beauty, you won't be loved. Stop thinking all that mumbo-jumbo about inter beauty; it doesn't exist. Don't even get me started about true love.

Money? Do you have it to blow on clothing and accessories? Yes: Good, you are going to need a lot of it. No: Better get a job, but no one can see you working. It is worse than a death sentence.

Never give up? The only thing you shouldn't ever give up is your hard work towards popularity: cloths, shoes jewelry, ect. The rest has no value.

Open up and relax. Don't worry, social media can only see your perfect moments. I should say too bad; you're an embarrassment and if the world knew that, maybe you'd stop being so lazy.

Pain is perfection. No one really cares how you feel. They can ask if you are okay, and though you may not be good, you are still okay, right? It better be right because you'd suffer a lot more pain than perfection.

Quiet now. You could be true... a true embarrassment, but it's better if that part of you is silently dying in a bubble. It isn't needed here in the world of cheating scumbags.

R rated is what the guys want. When you are alone with him, are you willing to let that happen? It's one thing to lie and say yes, but NEVER let a guy get that far.

Stupid is the human race. We focus on advancing to the newest technology rather than spend time with the sick and elderly. "They are going to die anyways," says one. So why don't we live with them today? Tomorrow, their sun may not rise.

Texting constantly. Never put your phone down. Are you ready to have an anxiety attack when the 15% battery remaining pops up? Where are you going to find a charger? How long can you last unconnected before the world forgets who you are.

Unfortunately I am as stuck as you, yet we never turn to eachother to realize the help. We use our imaginary ropes for nooses on our necks rather than a way to pull up someone else who is drowning. Would you give up just because you aren't looking up off your device to see the one who needs your help.

Victims we are becoming. As a female, I have no voice in a man's world. It may have come a long way, but we are still suppressed. We are still victims because we chose not to fight as the men cause a massacre.

When is it time? My mask is breaking under pressure. When can I remove it? We question the when, but never the why. Why do I still where the mask when I can take it off? Easy; I'm not hurting enough for change.

XOXO. Hugs and kisses are signs of love. In this new world, love is possession, not passion. Love is a status to parade around. I'm sorry for all the true lovers who were blind to the love of their life and let them walk out.

Yes, the world isn't the best. Popular girls are only one of the stereotypes that is still forced on today's youth. But that is okay. It only takes one smile, one guinune smile, to another person to save a life. A random hug by a stranger to that person walking along the walls, head down. It only takes one pebble to start a ripple.

Zzzzz's for sleep. Changing the world is tiring. That is how we know it's working. Take my hand. We can walk in to a brighter future and help the world crawl along too.

Now I've sung the ABC's, next time I will be myself.

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