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It is just a word
A word for stressed
Does it have meaning?
Only if you are experiencing it

Lights and noises dance in this world
A world I wish to join
What is stopping me?
The chains of reality hold me back

Everything pours down
Everything has the most importance
Where do you start?
Anywhere, it is up to you

Dizzy as the world spins
Dizzying in the clock
Why is time so meaningless?
You have to relax more

Stress breaks skin
Stress doesn't break habits
How do I stop?
Just take time to relax

I am wide awake
Awake at midnight and noon
How do I rest?
Relax and you can rest

The world is brilliantly bright
The world is so interesting
Why can't I enjoy it?
You can't relax

There is just too much
I can't cram all this stuff into a day
Is there some way to do it?
Just relax, it will all be fine

I panic through the day
My safe spot is a traitor
Is there any escape?
Just relax is all I hear

I can't do this anymore
It is time to give up
Am I even allowed to feel this way?
"Only if you cover it," they say.

I am done
This is the end
Overwhelmed isn't just a word
To me it has a meaning
To the world it is meaningless
I can pretend
There is no fun
I will break before my next bend
I won't be stuck with the herd
I will hopefully get to relaxing
Because I am done being less

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