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     *In loving memory of the greatest young women's leader, sister Wagner. She sadly passed away due to breast cancer which she had been fighting for three years. *

     Given Up
     Not Worthy
     Not Good Enough

     The words circle in my brain
     She is gone and never coming back
     They say she gave up her light
     That she failed at the fight
     That she wasn't worthy to continue
     That she wasn't good enough to be saved
     That she was just unable to continue
     And now she is dead.

     But I see the world differently
     I wish they saw what I see
     She isn't gone, we still have our memories
     Her light was not given up, but given to the world
     She didn't fail, but used what time she did have to shine
     She wasn't unworthy to win, but worthy enough to go home
     She wasn't not good enough to win, but wonderful enough to inspire
     She wasn't unable to continue, but continues inside us
     Though she is dead, she is still here.

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