One falls down.

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The healing was taking longer than it should... her wounds were... grievous even after the poison antidote was administered.
Silco chose to sit and keep watch over her the night before ...just in case any rouge enforcers were still around and got any smart ideas...

He had held her hand most of the night ,but now he couldn't hold her , only watch magic and convulsions from a distance...

It wasn't supposed to have been like this...
Veronica is using her magic to finish up.
"How long until she wakes up...?" Silco Questioned..

"2 hours maybe? Have you figured out what you're going to tell her about everything ...Vander was her friend too."Veronica questioned

"And he stabbed me and ditched the .... And listen closely I hate repeating myself.... Screw Vander." Silco hissed....

He was there ... sitting in the chair next to her....
One would think he was there solely for her well-being but he also had nowhere else to go...

He is pulled out of his thoughts... by something bearly all...

Iyras brow knitted....
"Silc?... you ... you're ok?"
It's a small smile but it's noticeable at least to Silco

"Thanks to You. However, if we ever find ourselves in that position again and I mean this sincerely
DON'T.  You almost died." Silco scolded...

"A lot of people died..." Iyra added...

"Yes, and none of them were you... some sacrifices are too great even for our cause..." Silco didn't make eye contact...

"Where did Vander go did he get out ok?"
Iyra questioned...

"Vander... betrayed us... stabbed me... ran off."
Silco fumed.

"He did that to you !? I thought you were brothers ... that he cared about you.... I mean I know you've fought before but stabbing that's a tad ... extreme."
Iyra ... thought aloud.

"He was doing something extreme before he was backing out and betraying us before that was just the cultivation of it... once the Enforcers came and killed all those people ... he felt bad... said we should end it here... I on the other hand... disagreed. As soon as he pushed me into that water I realized ... they'll never think about us down here ... they don't care... and if you're down here you are either aware of that .... or serving those who will never give you anything in return."  Silco just frowned ...

"Im sorry ... I'm sorry I wasn't there sooner... what he did leaving you ... like that...He's a bigger scumbag than I had pervious thought...."
Iyra hugged him which... he hadn't expected...

"Look at me. Iyra.... it wasn't you. He betrayed both of us.... I'm going to show him... do what he was too afraid too." Silco smirked.

"What's that?" Iyra wondered.

"Keep fighting ... harder than before ... Get payback on every single one of those Enforcer pigs... then I'll find something to gain power ... over Zaun... plant the idea we could be a nation into their heads. Get revenge on Vander... payback." Silco monologued.

"How can I help?" Iyra questioned....

"No, Iyra... I ... appreciate it. However seeing you like that ... seeing you.. almost die. I'm not going to put you through that. Especially not after experiencing myself what that's like..." Silco noted.

"Wait are you going solo?" Iyra... wondered.

"That's were you misunderstand... I'm not Vander I'm not going to leave you... I just also don't want to be the reason your in danger."

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