NEGATIVE! IM FREE FROM HIV!!!" jin started crying. Not only him. Others too.

"and nam-jung i need to tell you and others too something really important. We already got my mom approval. I... We want to ge-" "maybe you should call me dad jimin" nam-jung said to him and smiled. "wha-when...i mean how did you know that i was going to say that? Does that mean you are ok with this?" jimin asked. He nooded. "THANK YOU SO MUCH DAADDD" jungkook shouted and hugged him.

Everything was going really good. When all of them was talking and walking around they heard a girl said something. "omg are you JEON company CEO and KIMS hospital CEO?! wowww!" she said to them. They looked confused till they see... Namjoon. "yes we are. And this is my family too. And who is namjoon to you? Whats your name?" jin asked her. "oh im min y/n. And namjoon is my boyfriend. Isn't he handsome." she said to them. "haha. And do you know who are we to him?" sung hee asked her. "no...?" she said it with a confused face. "and what if we tell you to break up with him? What will you do?" nam-yoon asked her. She looked upset little girl. "i won't get break up with him. We both love eachother. And we won't be separated at all" she said to them. They all burst out that they all where holding. She was confused as hell. "awe. I really like her. Where did you found her hyung" jungkook said to namjoon and hugged y/n. "h..hyung?! Are you all...i mean is he your brother?!" she asked jungkook. He nooded. She was embraced. Her checks was like pink strawberrys. She went to namjoon "why didn't you tell me joonie" she said to him. He smiled and kissed her checks. Her checks got more redder. "wow! World is really small" jungkook said to them. All looked where he was looking at. It was taehyung and rose?! "woah! Life is really small." jin said to them too. Y/n was confused. Namjoon explained what was happening. She was at the same situation as they were.

"anyways. When are you guys getting married?" jisoo asked them. Both of them got blushed because of the sudden question. All laughed at them. All discussed about it and decided brothers to get married at the same day. Jungkook was happy and excited.

Everything was getting better and better. But someone came to them. By seeing her everyone was really angry. They were about to say something. But when they saw the second person they stopped and looked at them with shocked face. Yes. Its lisa and jennie. "what are you doing here lisa?" jimin asked her. "i... Im here to.." lisa couldn't complete her sentence. She looked at jennie. She nooded. "im here to apologize. I want to apologize for what i did before to you jimin and your wife's. Im really sorry" lisa finally said. It was the time sung hee and nam-yoon came to the room. When they heard the words coming from her mouth, they looked disbelieved. "i know from a simple apologize i cant bring them back to life. But please forgive me." Lisa said to him. Jimin smiled at her. "if so... Are you ready to go prison? You know that after doing all of them you wont get a small life sentence. Right? Are you ready for that too?" sung hee asked her. All of them looked at her. Lisa started shaking because of she was scared. But still she nooded." yes im willing to do that" lisa said to them. Jennie eyes got teary. Because she was sad and proud of her and herself too. Jennie smiled. "and i want to apologize for everything i did too. Im sorry" jennie said to them. "wow! I told you jennie will always keep her words. She is a good girl." jin said to them. All other than jin, jungkook and jimin was confused. Including lisa. "w... What do you mean by that?" lisa asked them. "i told jungkook that i know everything that happened between you and jimin. And i said that i would make sure you to come and apologize to him. And i will make sure that you wont come in between jimin and my baby jungkookie. Like that. I said it like that" when jennie said it like that lisa hugged her and hidded her face. All smiled. "okey if you says so. I will tell the police to close down the case of lisa" sung hee said to her. Lisa looked at her with eyes and mouth widen. "close your mouth before a fly go inside" jisoo said to her. Everyone laughed.

In a few seconds namjoon and y/n came. "" y/n called out. "y...y/n?" lisa was same situation as she was at. "like jungkook said.... What a small world is it? But what are you doing here?" y/n asked her. "its because i want to apologize what happened in the past about me and jimin" lisa explained. "and can you explain whats the relationship between you and y/n?" jennie asked her. "oh...she is my ex-girlfriend. Hehe" lisa said to her. Everyone was shocked. "oh... Heehe well i will be going." lisa said to them and was about to go out. "and can you tell me who is she?" y/n asked lisa. "oh...this is my new girlfriend" with that lisa went out. Everyone was knew something really happened between them. But didn't talk about it.

Day by day past away. Jungkook and jimin got married. Namjoon and y/n got married too.

After 6 months jisoo gaved birth to a beautiful girl and a handsome boy. Yes. They got a twins. What happened to taehyung? He got married after having relationship for 3 months. And rose is pregnant too. She is 4 months pregnant. Jimin and jungkook adopted a cute girl who was only 3 months. What about lisa and jennie? They got married and adopted a kid too.

Jimin, jungkook, namjoon, y/n, lisa and jennie are really close. And they found out the what was happening between y/n and lisa. Y/n was lisa first girlfriend. And that was the time jimin wanted to be with lisa. And y/n thought lisa was cheating on him. Thats why lisa tortured jimin that much. Blaming jimin was the reason why they got broke up. Jimin and y/n apologized eachother. That made everyone laugh at them. But still they managed to be friends.

"J... Jack? Is that you? Really. Wow. Where is others? You came here alone?" jungkook asked all of the questions in one breath. Jimin looked at him couldn't believe what he heard. "hehe yeah. You really didn't really changed at all. You just ask bunch of questions in one breath. I cant complete one sentence in one breath. And yeah i came alone here alone. And mom and dad is still on Australia. They didn't want to come since joy is still little.....and this is?" jack said to him and showed jimin." oh thats my husband...and this is jiwon. Our son" jungkook said to him. "wait a minute dont tell me thats j...jimin?!" jack asked him. "y...yes its him" jungkook said to him. Jimin gaved confused look. Jungkook explained everything. "so they named joy. Boy? Or a girl?" jungkook asked him. "its a boy. Don't ask me who he look like. Cox he is a mix" jack said to him. They had a nice conversation. A girl came to them and looked at jungkook with a disgusting way. "and who is she?" jungkook asked jack. "oh this. This is emma. My new girlfriend" jack said to them. "omg really. I thought you was going to be single forever. But congrats" jungkook said and smiled at her. "greet him. Thats my step brother...jeon jungkook." he said to her. She looked at him shocked. Jungkook knew she wanted apologize. But he didn't mind it at all. "yah! How many time do i have to tell you boys not to call me in my full name. Where is jimin now?" they saw jimin and jiwon running away. "yah! Come back! Jungkook shouted at them and ran away." i want a family like that. Maybe we should have one like that" jack said to her and smiled. She nooded. "wait a minute. They all are doctors right! Wow. Doctors love isn't it" emma said to him and smiled.

Everyone lived happily. They lost there loved ones. They faced there hard time all alone. They fighted alone with things. They got what they wanted. You know what they did? They waited. Waited for what they deserve to come on its own. Even its hard to wait. What they all did was wait.

Its the end of the storry😭😭
I really didn't want to end it! But its the end. They lived happily ever after.

Doctor's love <Jikook> (completed) Where stories live. Discover now