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Long chapter....

Someone who has dark blue hair man who look like 30 was walking into jimin's house. Which made everyone gasp in shock by seeing his face. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? HUH?!" that was the first thing he heard. "mom.... Dad please listen to me something happened to me. Thats why i wasn't there when namjoon was borned. Please im begging you" he said to them with a pleading eyes. "you are begging me to listen to you Kim Nam Jung?... Im really shocked that you got that confidence after doing all of these" nam-yoon said to him. "dad.... Ple-" "DAD?! YOU HAVE NOT RIGHTS TO CALL ME DAD! BECAUSE OF YOU OUR DAUGHTER DIED. YOU WASN'T HERE WHEN JIN WENT TO SCHOOL.... YOU WASN'T HERE WHEN HE FINNISHED SCHOOL... YOU WASN'T HERE WHEN HE GOT A JOB AFTER STUDYING ABROAD...." nam-yoon shouted at him. Tears was falling from nam-jung's eyes." w...what? Yu-ra died? W...when? H...how?!" nam-jung asked them." after giving to birth to your son namjoon" jimin said. He was listening to them all of them near his room door. "please listen to me... Please.... I came here hoping to see my wife and my son jin without even going to my own parents house. So please listen to me... Please" that made everyone got serious about his story. "come and sit here. And let us hear your story." jimin said to him in a polite way. Nam-jung smiled and sited.

"well you all know that i was a famous diver right. It was in 1999. Me and the team was getting ready to go for a diving trip. But i fell down and broke my head. At that time all i saw was others calling me to wake up. But everything went blank. Then, when i woke up i was in the hospital. I lost all of my memories. I doesn't even know who i was. All i know was that i was from korea and i was in a Korean hospital...... And then i saw a beautiful women. I asked her for a favor. Just for to stay somewhere. She offered her house since she was living alone. And then after years we got to know eachother. We had a sweet relationship. And we got married. I got married to Jeon Jung-ah. We got a sweet little boy. But life happens in unexpected way right... We got divorced when my son jungkook was only 15. After divorce i haven't seen any of them. Im sure my baby will search for me. I do remember how much he cried when he had to leave me. But you know jung-ah was a very strict women. She forced jungkook to be with her. I have no idea how he will be living with her" nam-jung said the it in a dreamy way.

But then again he started talking "And then how i got the memories back... Well when i saw kim hospital i got some kind of a sharp pain and again i fainted. I was on the streat. No one really cared about it.... I guess. When i woke up i..... I remembered who i was.... i was in the same spot where i was in when i got fainted...and here i am...i came here first after the incident... Im really sorry.... " nam-jung started crying again. Not only him... But nam-yoon and sung-hee too. Jimin had tears in his eyes. But he wiped it off. "h...hyung do you remember me?" jimin asked him. "are you that little jimin?" nam-jung asked. Jimin nooded. "Aigoo. You have grown healthy..." he was about to say something. But a voice stoped him. "heloo guyyys. Oh annyeonghaseyo" jin bowed down when he saw nam-jung. "w...why are you guys crying hyung what happened? Did someone did something?" jin asked jimin. "jin...come here.look thats..thats your dad. Your dad nam-jung" sung-hee explained. Jin was too shock to say anything. "d..didn't you guys told me he was dead? Is he...GHOST?!" jin shouted. Everyone looked at jin in a disbelief way. "well you know we isn't here to hear your dad jokes. We are being serious here. We had said that he died. Its because we didn't know what to say. So please listen to him jin" jimin said to him with a serious tone. He know jimin well. He knew it was a time he need to be serious about the situation. "j...jin is that really you? Dont you remember me? Oh y...you wont...you was only 2 yesrs old...when i left. I...i only heard the word 'dad' you was shouting at me saying 'dad' and running after me like that....at that time you started walking. How can you remember right" nam-jung said it by wiping his tears. He told jin the whole story. Jin cried a lot. They called namjoon. Namjoon also came and listened to his talk. Nam-Jung was too sad to see his young son.

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