3 - Bumped into Him

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Weaving her way through the crowd of sweaty bodies grinding themselves against each other, in the hormone, alcohol induced environment, Aimee felt nothing but at ease.

She was always pretty independent from young. She attended parties by herself, always making new friends there so she always felt involved and university was no different.

She knew she'd have to do this regardless, with her living at home during university instead of halls - as she actually lived in the same city as the university, and didn't want to move out just yet.

There was no reason to, she practically lived by herself anyway. Her mother was a beautician, so she made bank, but that meant she was always at the shop, and when she wasn't, she was in her office tending to her other business of being a admin officer for the NHS. And then Aimee's father was a businessman, he helped out with her mother's shop, by managing it and the finances, but also owned a chain of restaurants - not actually cooking in them, but owning the properties and then he was financially smart enough to cut a deal with each of the renters by earning a substantial amount of their profit. So in the end, yes Aimee's parents worked a lot, and did more than one job - which to some at first glance would think that they were struggling - but it was far from that.

The Valencia family were comfortable, very comfortable with their money infact - they just didn't show it off like others did. They liked their privacy and spent on necessities and only splashed out on things like their house and holidays.

Anyway, considering all of this backstory, it meant that Aimee was independent, full stop. She lived at home and loved it and didn't want to move out - so if she had to do a twenty five minute walk commute compared to the five minute walk of all the accommodations, she'd do that.

"Shit sorry" brought her out of her thoughts as she felt the entirety of a 180 pound guy's weight ontop of her foot as they got shoved from the mosh pit happening in the main room of the party.

"Don't worry about it" Aimee winced, shouting over the music and trying to get out of that area of the party as fast as possible, limping away

She wanted to make friends at this party, get to know new people. She saw the posts on social media and asked Naomi to join her, but unfortunately Naomi was getting to know her flatmates - which Aimee understood so she went by herself. But so far she'd just come across stuck up bitchy girls who turned their noses up at her when she tried to approach them, and couple after couple - sucking their faces off of the other, and others rushing upstairs to clearly find some privacy.

God, privacy, how long had it been since Aimee had sex? And not just sex, as in a few pumps and then the guy was done and she had a few measly hickies, along with the pain of the guy rubbing her right vagina lip a little too much - thinking that was going to get her off, but actual sex. Good sex. No, great sex, where the guy knows what he's doing, takes her pleasure into consideration.

But judging by all the guys she'd seen at this party, they either looked like they knew what they were doing, but she'd never approach them because they had the look. You know, the look of they know they're attractive as fuck and know every girl in the room wants them and Aimee approaching them would make him feel like he's the shit and the moment they finished, he'd run back to his little friends and tell them every detail and would probably - knowing what guys are like, set up a secret camera and filmed the entire film. And then the other percentage of boys were either coupled up or the other half just looked clueless as hell but were trying to play it off by drinking as much as they could - hoping that the alcohol coursing through their veins would suddenly give them the confidence and knowledge of a woman's body and Aimee didn't need that.

She needed just simple good dick.

But that definitely wasn't happening tonight.

If only Ollie was here...God, I sound like such a stalker and I only met the boy once, but he was soooo fit!

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