1 - I Saw Him

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Walking up the what seemed to be the never ending stairs to the entrance of the main building of Thornbrooke East University, Aimee huffed in frustration of things already going wrong for her and she hadn't even officially started university.

For starters, her timetable wasn't available online, so she tried to call the university, but was instead instructed, after an hour and a half wait, to go into university to talk to the administrative office instead.

At first that would of been no problem at all, but then she realised as she had left her house, she'd be late. She'd be late to meeting a new friend of hers. This really nice girl called Naomi she'd met on socials after she'd been trying to find various other people on her course, she came across Naomi and she reached out to her, and now the two of them were meant to be meeting up for lunch at T.G.I Fridays, but now Aimee might make a bad first impression due to the fucking long stairs that she had finally made it up.

"Thank god I'm not doing social sciences" she whispered to herself as she finally caught her breath, rummaging through her bag to find her university ID card to actually be able to get into the building.

But once again things were never as simple as that with Aimee, because Aimee was clumsy. Clumsy, oblivious, whatever you want to call it, but either way one moment she was slowly walking towards the doors, looking for her card in her bag at the same time, and the next she had bumped straight into something.

"Ouch" she groaned, at the feeling of her colliding head first with something.

Oh god, please don't tell me I just walked into the glass building doors infront of everyone.

"You alright there?" She heard a deep voice say with a bit of amusement creeping in at the end of their question

"Yeah I-" she stopped herself, suddenly realising that she was talking to someone. Someone with a very deep. Very sexy voice.

Wait, doors don't talk.

Almost snapping her neck at an abnormal speed, Aimee jerked her head upwards, following the direction of the voice and what she found was astonishing.

"Hi" she whispered as she looked up at the very good looking male specimen stood infront of her

A very tall, good looking guy, with the most beautiful features she'd ever seen

A large tattooed hand with a few rings on almost immediately pulled the pair of black headphones from ontop of his head, down to be around his neck which he'd clearly been blasting music through, to talk to Aimee.

"Hey" he smiled down at the dazed girl who was looking at him wide eyed, almost like a child in a sweet shop

He had curly hair, shaved - faded on the sides, made his face stand out even more. Deep deep dark brown eyes, which Aimee felt like she could get lost in. An interesting face, due to his olive complexion, but his freckles were what really made him stand out.

Dark brown freckles dotted themselves all over his face, his sharp jawline trailing all the way down and onto his neck and probably the rest of his body, but unfortunately Aimee couldn't see due to his 'Essentials' hoodie covering him.

Panning down to his lower half, Aimee eyes almost bulged out of her head, with the way this boy knew what he was doing when he woke up this morning and threw on those grey joggers.

Fucking hell, those grey joggers made everything stand out. And when Aimee said everything, she meant everything.

It was huge-

"You alright?" He asked as Aimee continued to stare at him with the same open mouth, wide eyed look, which only made the boy laugh at the only thing which confirmed Aimee was alive a breathing was her timed blinking

"Hey" he smiled, waving his hand infront of her face

Blinking several times and snapping her mouth shut as she realised she was literally gawking at the boy, Aimee, awkwardly giggled as she hoped she hadn't completely made a fool of herself on her first day.

Rubbing the back of his neck, as he couldn't help but continue to smile at the girl infront of him, who'd definitely caused quite the first impression, he spoke again, "I don't think you heard me the first time, but I just wanted to check you're all alright, yeah?"

Nodding her head, as she was still trying to rack her head around how long she was stood still embarrassing herself infront of this really attractive guy.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. Um, I'm sorry, you know for bumping into you" Aimee finally snapped out of her daze as she realised she had been staring at the guy for too long. And she inwardly cringed even more when she realised he'd definitely caught where her eyes had lingered a little too long

"Nah, you're good" he smiled down at her as Aimee felt not only her heart rate pick up, but that non mistaken lower heart beat inbetween her thighs, which she hadn't felt in a long time

"I-" she started to speak before the two of them were quickly interrupted but another voice

"Stone!" Was shouted and suddenly Aimee was back in reality, the very attractive guy was suddenly no longer right infront of her and was now walking with another man

A much older man, talking about something which seemed important.

But she knew one thing from that entire interaction, which was that she was going to see that guy again. She was going to see him because he was going to be hers.

"Coach Hale you've got nothing to worry about" she heard him tell the older guy as she walked past them, making her way towards the administration office for her timetable, not wanting to be any later to meet Naomi than she already was

"Hi" she smiled, walking up to the desk, which was meant to be the main reason why she was here, a quick pop in and pop back out - but she got distracted and she had a feeling this boy was going to be a very big distraction for her

"Hello, how may I help you?" The woman sat behind the desk greeted Aimee with a smile as she finished typing away at her computer

"I'm Aimee Valencia and I am not able to access my timetable online. I called the university's number for help and they said to come in, so I was wondering whether I could get my timetable printed off here or sent to me as soon as possible, especially since lectures start very soon"

"Oh Aimee, I do apologise for that, this seems to be happening a lot more often in the recent years and we do apologise for the trouble we've caused you...And there you are, Aimee Valencia studying 'BA Fashion Marking and Branding', first year, correct?"

"Yes that's me"

"I'll get that sorted for you right now. Don't want you to be unprepared for this eventful year" the receptionist smiled

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