Chapter 1- Details

Start from the beginning

"Hi, I'm Rhiannon," I said back, trying not to stare

"Like the song?" he asked as his brows raised,

"Yes, like the song," I said almost annoyed, I always got that question when I met new people, before I knew it he had broke into song. I turned around in shock, his voice was like nothing I had ever heard. 5 seconds earlier he had seemed nervous and now he was dramatically belting a song right in front of me. He finally stopped and I clapped and laughed, His cheeks turned a shade of red as he bowed,

"Very impressive, I'm guessing you are the singer then?" I said as I grabbed my measuring tape,

"You'd be guessing correct, also can I just say, you have an amazing laugh," He said as I measured his chest. I paused looking up at him briefly, he caught me and gave me a smile. I could feel myself blushing,

"Turn," I said quickly as I grabbed his shoulders turning him around, I caught a glimpse of him smiling in the mirror at my flustered state. Damn that smile was beautiful. I couldn't just stay silent, I had to ask him about his style and what he wanted. I took my last measurement before speaking, "So Josh, what kind of stuff are you wanting me to design for you?"

"Hmm," He turned holding his chin with his hand as he thought, "I have been into vests recently, is that helpful?"

"Is that all you're going to give me to go off of?" I laughed as I wrote in my notebook, "Likes, Vests." I added dramatically as I scribbled it down, eliciting a snicker from Josh

"I don't know what else to say, this is my first time working with a designer" He said as he threw his hands up

"Well what about details?" I said flipping through some of my sketches. He quickly stuck his hand onto the page stopping my turning,

"I really like that," He said, intently staring at the page, "Thats lovely, I'd love something with those kinds of details." He paused, "Did you draw this? You're very good."

"Yes, I did. And thanks, isn't that why you hired me?" I said grinning,

"Well, I'm not going to lie to you, Sam is the one who found you and requested you to our manager. But it looks like he made an excellent choice." He smiled as he flipped through more pages. I heard the door open and a guy that looked very similar to Josh entered,

"There you are, I've been looking for you." he said as he walked in and talked to Josh, "You think I have time to see a medic before the show?" he asked holding out his hand for Josh to see,

"Jake, you're being rude, This is Rhiannon" Josh said as he motioned to me,

"Oh sorry, I'm Jake." he said reaching out his good hand, his hands were rough but soft at the same time.

"What happened to your hand Jake?" I asked,

"Uh," He paused looking down at his hand, "I got into an altercation,"

"Hm ok, well if you have time I can go ahead and get your measurements now?" I said

"Sure, lets get it done," He said as he walked closer to me, I looked over to Josh who was still flipping through my notes,

"Josh, I kind of need that to write down Jakes measurements," I said as I put my hand out,

"We are twins just copy down my measurements," He said, not raising his eyes from the pages. I had already connected that they were twins, and I rolled my eyes

"I hate to break it to you, but thats not how it works Joshy." I said as I grabbed the book from his hands

"Joshy huh, already giving me a pet name are we?" he said with a smirk on his face, I heard a soft laugh come from Jake as I blushed and shot a look at Josh, he had gone from being shy to shamelessly flirting with me, I had been playing shy but I was growing bored.

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