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"Hobi!" I stared wide-eyed at my friend and crew mate. "What are you doing here? You guys all left already."

He glared at me as he stalked to pick up a small yellow and blue umbrella that was on the bench next to our bags. "I forgot my umbrella and it's pouring rain. Looked through my bag and couldn't find it so I figured I left it in here."

Hobi waved the umbrella in front of his face. "I was right. About more than my umbrella, too, I guess."

Jimin took a step toward him. "Hobi, it's not what you think it is."

"What is it then?" He asked.

Jimin looked between myself and Hobi. "I-well I-I don't really know. Jungkook-Jungkook just kissed me."

"Hey!" I retorted, "You kissed me back! Don't make me sound like some creepy pervert!"

Jimin shot me a pointed look before closing his eyes and shaking his head. Hobi still scrutinized us both, glancing between us like he was watching a ping pong match.

"What are you guys doing? Why did you kiss? You were already fighting. You're only just now starting to get along and we're making some headway! Jimin was so distracted today. We can't afford to pay for your love lives with our careers. Is this why you both acted so weird when we met Mingyu? How long have you guys been doing this and how far has it gone?"  Hobi's inner thoughts spewed from him almost incoherently.

I pursed my lips before answering Hobi. "This was the first time we've kissed or done anything at all, okay? We almost kissed at the last rehearsal, but...well, I chickened out," I admitted. Jimin scanned me with surprise. "Neither of us are going to do anything that will jeopardize the careers of ourselves or our members, so no worries about that. Every one of us have worked too hard to put it all at risk now. And as far as Mingyu goes...I was jealous." I sighed and avoided Jimin's gaze.

Jimin's stare burned into me for a moment before he replied to Hobi as well. "I was distracted because I couldn't stop thinking about Jungkook's sweaty, shirtless body and imagining what it would be like to touch it and kiss it and lick it all over. I was watching how sexy he looked and desperately wishing he'd kiss me."

My jaw dropped and I may or may not have choked out a strangled noise at Jimin's bluntness.  I didn't dare look at him or Hobi.  I'd thought the exact same things and had been distracted by him myself. To hear that he was tormented by the same thoughts was too great of an aphrodisiac. I chewed my lip to maintain control.

Hobi's gaping mouth couldn't seem to form words as he inspected us. " what are you going to do?"


What were we going to do? I didn't know what to say to Hobi because I barely knew anything beyond what I wanted to do to Jungkook right this second. Filthy thoughts played in my mind again. Thoughts of Jungkook gasping on top of me. Of him grunting and groaning in my ear. Of him sucking and touching and kissing my naked body.

Not the time, Jimin, I reminded myself with difficulty.

"We'll figure that out," Jungkook said simply, shutting down the matter.

Hobi glared again. "Well, just make sure you don't screw all of us over in the process of figuring it out, okay Kook? I'd hate to have to murder my best friend."

Jungkook chuckled, suddenly closer to my side. "You got it, Hobi."

With one last scowl, Hobi left the practice room, umbrella in hand, leaving us alone again. I couldn't look at Jungkook. I'd been too brazen and now I was regretting having said anything. What was I thinking, telling the pair of them that I was distracted because of Jungkook's body and that I wanted to lick it? What was wrong with me?

A large, strong hand gripped my waist, another cupping my cheek. Before I had time to think or even breathe, Jungkook's lips were on mine again.

"Thought he'd never leave," he whispered, his breath hot against my face. "I wanted to kiss you again so badly."

His tongue grazed my lips and I parted them to allow him in. We groped and tugged at each other, close not feeling close enough. Jungkook pressed me against the wall, kissing his way down my jaw and neck. I moaned as he discovered a spot at the base of my neck that seemed to have a direct line to my groin. I felt my manhood stand at attention as he nipped and sucked there.

"Jungkook," I breathed. It was meant to be a demand to stop, but it came out sounding more like a plea. Jungkook sucked a little harder hearing me moan his name. "Jungkook, stop, we—we can't. We can't go further."

He released me instantly and I almost whimpered at the sudden loss of sensation and heat. I gulped and locked eyes with him.

"I'm sorry, I just don't have sex with people I'm not in a relationship with." I explained.

Jungkook tilted his head, his brow furrowed. "I wasn't going to try to have sex with you, Jimin. I don't have sex with people I'm not dating either." He looked me up and down hungrily. "I was just really enjoying the moment. I'll always stop though if you're not comfortable."

"Thank you, Jungkook." I bowed my head, hiding my shy smile. "Do you want to go eat something...together?"

"Together?" He asked, bending to meet my eyes under my bangs.

I nodded. "Together."

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