Chapter 3: Anakin's Padawan?!

Start from the beginning

Ahoska: (smirk) Well can't wait to see tha-Wait, what's that?

Leja looks over to see what she is talking about and see what looks like a huge dorm engery feild getting bigger qnd bigger. She took out her rifle qnd aims down at her scope to see a second wave of Separatist droids coming their way.

Leja: Looks like a second wave is coming.

(Short while later)

Y/n, Ahoska, Y/n, Daniel, Rex, Kenobi and Cody were around the hologram table as they see the dorm shield as Daniel tells them.

Daniel: It looks like Zack was right about the Separatist next plan of attack. Their using a dorm shield as a way to get throw our forces so our cannons won't destroy their forces.

Cody: They will tear us apart if we even enter their force field.

Kenobi: Have you try to contact Zack and have him turn off the engery feild.

Daniel: Try to but lost contact. It seems this engery feild might be blocking his coms.

Anakin: So how can we enter the feild without getting shot.

Ahoska: We could try to use something as cover and wait until the droids has gone pass us.

Y/n: I like that idea.

Daniel: Well it's the only way to get through the feild and shut it down.

Kenobi: Right. Anakin, Y/n and Ahoska, you three will shut down the enegry feild while we hold off the Separatist forces.

Anakin: I can tell this mission is gonna suck.

Y/n: (smirk) Cheer up Sky-guy, you like some action.

Anakin: Not you too!

Y/n: (chuckle) Sorry but I think it's a funny nickname, right Ahoska.

Ahoska: (smirk) Yep.

Anakin just sighs once more as the trio leave the area and once Cody was the last one to leave it was just Daniel and Kenobi as Daniel ask him.

Daniel: Is there another reason why Yoda assigned Ahoska as his Padawan?

Kenobi looks over to Daniel which he sigh and tells him.

Kenobi: You know how Anakin is when it comes to attachments.

Daniel: Right because Jedi's aren't suppose to grow attachments with anymore or anything in fear Turing to the dark side. I gonna say that is some bullshit rule.

Kenobi: But still, the lost of his mother slightly turn him to the dark side and during the battle of Geonosis, he assist to lend the gunship down to save Padme.

Daniel: Which was a dumb idea to leave her alone in the desert.

Kenobi: The point is that Anakin must let go of lost people and those that will be coming his way. So having Ahoska as his Padawan will teach Anakin how sometimes attachments can't last forever.

Daniel: Right. No offence Kenobi but you and your jedi must understand that even if they might fallen to the darkness or not, at least to show some emotion for once in their lives. Maybe Anakin is a sigh for the jedi order to change because if this continues then the galaxy will see the jedi very differently then the sith are.

Daniel leaves while Kenobi stand there and breath in a sigh before opening up a battle strategy to make a plan of attack against the in coming Separatist forces.


A army of Separatist droids were approaching with the engery dorm feild ahead of then while up ahead we see a bock and inside we see Y/n, Anakin and Ahoska as they waited for them to go pass.

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