"If I can't find a way out I'm dead!"



"Get down!!" I heard somebody yell, so I hit the floor as quick as I could as the beowolf's jumped at me only to be sliced in half by something from behind me.
I heard somebody walk up behind before seeing somebody's hand reaching for me, I took ahold and they helped me up and I got a good look at who saved me.

The only one left was the alpha who roared before charging at both of us, I took aim but the boy stopped me

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

The only one left was the alpha who roared before charging at both of us, I took aim but the boy stopped me.
He raised his sword and charged and cut the beowolf in half before it even got near. "You're not hurt are you?" he asked me

"Um no, thanks for -" he took off his hood revealing the same boy from yesterday, the ringleader of the group that harrased Numa and I immediately shut my mouth. "OK thanks but I'm gonna go now" I told him strapping my damaged jetpack back on.

"Hold on we're supposed to be partners now"
He said as I started walking away.

"Yeah no thanks" I told him not stopping

"But it..... It was apart of the rules"

"Yeah and I don't care for the rules, besides nobody has seen us so as far as I'm corcerned it doesn't mat-" I pushed one of the branches away and walked into the clearing where two other students where fighting of a pack of beowolf's and an ursa.
One of them was clad in orange and red armor with a arm cannon mounted on her right arm, she blasted two beowolf's away, a beowolf snuck behind her but she quickly spun around and punched it into the ground before shoving her cannon into it's mouth and blowing the head off.

The other one was a girl with long purple hair with a horn sticking out her forehead, she was wearing a purple button up assistant outfit she was swinging around a massive sword cleaving grimm apart.
"Hm?! Oh hi" the purple haired girl said waving at me after seeing I was watching from the bushes.

"Shion! Ursa!" the one in armour said to her teammate

"Oh right. Sorry just give me a minute stranger from the bushes!" she said just as the Ursa was in front of her.
The Ursa stood on it's back legs and raised it's arm before swinging down to crush the girl, she made no attempt to grab her sword instead she met the Ursa head on grabbing both Ursa paws that were trying to crush her. "Now that's not very nice" she said before gauntletts formed around her hands, she placed her foot against the Ursa's stomach and pulled, tearing both arms off with ease the Ursa roared in pain before she grabbed her sword and cut downward from the head splitting the Ursa in half killing it. "Phew" she breathed a sigh of relief just in that second a beowolf leaped at her but I shot in the head before it reached her "Hah thanks for that save there.... I kinda forgot you where there" she said scratching her cheek embarrassed.

"Don't mention it, name's (Y/n)"

"Oh well I'm Shion and this person here is" she trailed off for her friend to finish.

"Samus" the armoured one said as the helmet faded away revealing a blond haired girl underneath. "Nice to meet you"

"Oh are you her partner?" Shion asked as the guy from before showed up.


"Yes, as per what professor Ozpin explained we are partners. My name is Arthur" he said and both girls introduced themselves to him.

"Well if we all head north together we have better odds of making it through without much effort" Samus told us placing her helmet back on.

"OK that sounds like a good idea, you two can start we need a second to talk" I told them pointing at Arthur behind me.
Once they were both out of sight, I stood in in front of Arthur and pushed my finger into his chest "We're. Not. Partners. Just so that's clear"

"Why do you hate the idea of being my partner so much?"

"Because I don't want to be on the same team as the asshole ring leader that harrased my friend much less his partner!"

"That wasn't me!"

"But it was your friend!"

"Look I apologise for my....." he paused like he was looking for the right word before giving up "... sigh, for my friend's behaviour. But now we're partners whether we like it or not" he said in a innocent sounding voice as he outstretched his hand to mine.

I pulled back before he could touch me"Yeah I'm sure that.... baby....innocent, charmy face trick works on all the girls, but it won't work on me" I told him and left.


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