"Leave him alone, "Milind scowled at those men, and the men trembled at his order and meekly nodded their head before dispersing from the place.

"Are you alright?" he asked Aagney kindly while helping him to stand on his feet.

Aagney was so overwhelmed by the attack, and this unknown man's kind words were a relief to his misery. In his agony, he hugged the man and cried out in pain. The man named Milind didn't utter any words to him; instead, he consoled him by letting him cry his agony out on his shoulders. And this incident was the start of a strong bond between Milind and Aagney.

There were daily interrogations and investigations repeatedly for three months, which disheartened Aagney. He wanted to scream to the world that he didn't murder his sister. The constant mental torture affected his mental health. His mom was hospitalized, and his dad was doing everything he could to try and bring Aagney out of jail. Raghuveer Mittal lost both his kids in just a day...and his wife was in trauma. He was sure that his son would not commit such a heinous crime. But the police and media were deliberately after the Mittal's, which forced Mr.Mittal to move to Delhi with his wife when Aagney was finally granted bail.

Though he was out of jail, Aagney couldn't take in the fact that his mom stopped talking to him...not deliberately though...she was in depression. And his dad was lost in his grief, and he couldn't continue living in the house where his young daughter was brutally murdered. So he moved out of the house and the life of Aagney. It was a blow to Aagney, who suddenly felt abandoned by everyone...And this pushed him to the edge, and he decided to end his life. It was Anirudh who found him on time and saved his life. Aagney had to attend counseling for several months to gather himself and his shattered life. But by that time, he was transformed into a whole new person who was stone-hearted and wanted vengeance for all the betrayal he endured.

A lone tear left Aagney's eyes as he reminisced his bitter past.

"No, Mythili...I can't forgive you...not yet. I will never let you get away from me. You are trapped with me forever. Your tears give me some relief from my grief. I am waiting for you to walk into the web that I created for you, Ms.Mythili Sharma. Come soon and be my slave forever. This is the punishment I have chosen for you for now. I'm waiting for you, "Aagney smirked, looking at the CCTV images where the image of a worried Mythili rushing towards his cabin was seen.

Mythili's POV

I was silent throughout the ride towards Mittal industries on Anirudh's car. But the silence was broken by Anirudh, who angrily asked me why I betrayed Aagney, and I chose not to answer, which angered him more.

He then told me about the torture Aagney went through in jail and how he tried to take his life because of all the pain and mental suffering.

I sobbed, hearing the pain and agony Aagney went through because of Aditi's lie and my silence.

"Why are you crying now? Don't shed your fake tears in front of me. I hate the fact that I considered you my sister once. Do you know what Aagney has turned into now? The loving friend of mine is long gone. All he thinks of is destroying everyone who betrayed him. The guy who never touched alcohol in his life drinks like an alcoholic every single night to drain away his pain," he scoffed.

"Anirudh, I ..."I tried to speak.

"Don't even try to say any excuses, Mythili. You could have saved him from all this misery. But you stood with that lying bitch and didn't even care to show up at the court to be an alibi for Aagney. How could you do that to him even after knowing that Aagney was with you during the time Avni was murdered?" he scowled.

I sobbed hard, unable to face him anymore, for he was right. I was a coward who betrayed Aagney. I cried even harder when a sudden memory flashed in front of my tear-filled eyes.

"Mili...the moment you step out of this house to support that bastard, I will burn myself to death. My pride is more important to me than anything in this world."

I wiped my tears and looked at Anirudh, who stopped the car in front of Mittal Industries.

"We are here," he said, ignoring me.

"Stop crying unnecessarily because your tears don't matter to Aagney anymore. And whatever he is doing to you may be wrong in everyone's eyes, but I do not pity you. Because I think you deserve every pain that Aagney bestows on you. Now get out of my car," he said harshly.

Without another word, I got out of the car and hurriedly rushed towards Aagney's cabin because I knew there was no use in saying anything to convince Anirudh. He has seen Aagney's sufferings and hates me for being the reason for it.

"May I come in?" I knocked at Aagney's cabin door and waited for his answer.

"Come in, "I heard his voice and walked in with hesitation. Aagney was sitting on the revolving chair busily working on his laptop.

"Finally, the princess got time to show up," he looked at the clock and taunted me.

"I-I met with an accident. That's why...I paused.

"Ms.Mythili...You should be extra careful from now on since you are going to be my PS," he said softly, and for a moment, I thought the old Aagney was sitting in front of me.

"I don't want a bruised body on my bed to please me. So be careful next time. Do you understand?" he smirked at me victoriously.

"I will be careful, Aagney, "I replied meekly.

"Call me Sir. You are just my employee. Understand? "he barked.

"Yes, S-Sir, "I trembled at his sudden outburst.

"Here, Sign these," he threw some documents in front of me.

"It's your contract for being my PS. It's a five-year bond, and you will have to do whatever job I give you...be it night or day. In case of a breach, you will have to pay me ten lakhs, "he gave me a dirty smile.

"Read before you sign. Don't cry in the future saying I betrayed you by making you sign these contract papers, "he mocked.

"I trust you," I said before bending down to sign those contracts. After signing those papers, I looked up to see that Aagney was curiously looking at my chain, which had fallen out of my dress while bending down. My chain didn't have a pendant, but I had strung my engagement ring in it, which had Dev's name engraved on it. The only symbol of my Dev left with me now. It gives me a sense of protection, but I hid it from my dad and family all these years successfully.

I quickly hid it inside my dress while Aagney looked at me sarcastically. He smirked at me once again before he used mobile to call someone while I stood there like a statue, not knowing what to do next.

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