Rescue part 1

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Mario was wearing his helmet double checking his equipment as they got closer toward the town and the target. He wanted to test the communication between the helmets so when he finds the captain he can communicate with him even in the thickness of battle. So he set up the helmets to be in their special frequency.

He spoke in a calm voice.

*pike town*

Izzy was drinking his morning coffee when he heard a familiar voice coming from the Radio.

"This is a test please sound off. Lieutenant Mario."

Izzy immediately scrambled over to the ham radio knocking over the table spilling his coffee and almost collapsing a wall. Causing such a commotion that Beryl and Ivy went to see the commotion.

"This is Lieutenant Ezekiel, please tell us your status." He said with the eagerness of a child.

"Please confirm, Izzy?"

"Of course it's me, Neanderthal." He teased

"Hey I resent that!"

"Your right I'm sorry. To the Neanderthal." Laughed Izzy.

Mario who could be heard laughing through the other side of the radio. Spoke in a friendly tone. "How is the situation in the town? Permission to visit?"

"It's hot I recommend that we meet outside of town, I recommend a fjord."

"Alright, now we aren't even. I don't owe you nothing." He Mario who was clearly smiling on his end.

Izzy raised his fists in victory, Ivy and Beryl walked into the room. Curious and terrified at the excited solider.

"So what's going to happen?" Asked Beryl holding her little sister tighter. More of a need to reassure herself than to shield her from danger. Izzy paused he knew that this day was going to come. But he didn't think on the issue too hard. He forgot that many of the people in the village were her neighborhood and friends. Furthermost he never thought what Beryl and him would be after today.

"I suppose I leave." He said sadly sitting down and looking at the two faunus.

"When will you be back?" Asked Ivy who ran to Izzy. Holding him tightly.

"I don't know." He said honestly.


Winter looked complexed at Mario who was cheering through his helmet. He was testing his helmet's radio in his private frequency. He didn't expect to hear from Izzy.

"What happens?" Asked Winter who finished looking through her equipment.

"I found a old friend. He will be willing to help."

Winter gave a deep sigh; it was difficult to work with Captain Max. It was almost impossible to resist the urge to throw Mario out the shuttle. But a third earthling was too much. Yet she kept her head high and hid her feelings to the matter.

"Did he provided valuable information?" She said coldly.

"Yeah, we are meeting him at the Fjord." Mario stood up and changed the coordinate on the auto pilot.

"Could he be trusted?"

Mario stopped and looked at Winter; she knew that behind his helmet he was upset. "He can be trusted. We fought countless battles in armed trucks smaller than this. He would never betray us."

The flight to the fjord was quite for the remainder of the day. The sun was setting and the starts began to appear. The airship landed in a clearing by the fjord. Hiding among the rocks and allowing it self to be buried in the snow.

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