The old life part 1

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*Two and half weeks ago*

Snow...snow was the last thing Izzy remembered before embracing that deepest of sleep. He was at peace for the first time in a long while. He didn't have to look over his shoulder for stray bullets, falling debris or pools of radiation. Still better than his former civilian life. He would have given a chuckle if it wasn't for the cold frost helping sleep. Soon he would be dreaming of his friends and family who were lost. He hoped to join them one day. Perhaps today would be that day.

The darkness enveloped Izzy's vision as he could see only the faintest of lights. He could already hear Mario jokingly yell. "Don't walk into the light!" Izzy stopped, he was tired. But he could feel that something was holding him back. An unfulfilled purpose yet unknown to him. .

Soon the light at the end of the tunnel grew. Blinding him with an intense light. He swore he heard a voice say wake up. As well as glimpses of a tree and a figure too bright to make out. Izzy's vision returned to him; the blurry image became clear to him. He was in a small bedroom with dusty wooden walls. There was a small iron oven by the window. There was a kettle pot roasting over it.

He looked around the room, trying to understand his new predicament.  The room hasn't been used in a long time. The night stand was covered with dust that moved as Izzy adjusted himself. Along with model aircraft of sorts stuck in glass bottles. But there seems to be one missing. There was a photo of a happy family that was mushed by dust. But Izzy was able to see that there was a man about his age. With a woman to his side holding her baby with a fat face. As well as a teenage girl.

Izzy wasn't sure if he was looking at Demi humans or of the dust was too much. Either he saw what he believed to be a man with grey bear ears and a woman with a feline tale. A happy family he thought to himself, he always dreamed of that. It was the few things that kept him going during the Mojave push.

He looked around the room for armor. Fully knowing that it wouldn't be there. But he was making sure, after all, who would leave a prisoner with his equipment.

Izzy regrettably pushed his way out of the bed. Pushing the multi-colored blanket to the side. His feet, which were covered with socks, touched the floor. It was still cold. He found that his strength was returning but still used the edge of the bed to lift himself. He was thankful that he wasn't wearing his military clothes but surprised he was back in civilian clothes. Long black trousers and a navy blue shirt.

His footsteps made the floor creak which obviously got the attention of someone as he could hear some mutter just outside of the room.  The door opened as Izzy braced himself for a beating or at least gave out the beating.

The door opened traveling that his capture was a kid no older than 8 about the side of his waistline walked in. She was dressed in a heavy winter jacket while struggling to hold a tray of water and soup. Upon seeing each other both people were surprised. Izzy was surprised to find that the girl had two dog ears on top of her brown hair. The child froze with fear wondering what to do.

A Demi human. thought Izzy. He was familiar with the idea of Demi humans having read several light novels taking place in other worlds. So his internal shock was short. "Hello, did you save me? Where are your parents?" He asked calmly.

The child frozen with fear took a step back, her hand being held to her face. She shook her head side ways. Izzy took a step toward the child. The young girl took a step back.

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