In a hole in the ground there lived a...

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Max walked through the hallways of the military academy. His helmet slapping across his thigh. He heard the repeating beep of a message. It didn't say much it was a set of sounds. * ping.*
It was a open frequency so everyone and their grandmother was able to hear it. Max hopes that most of them would disregard it as radio signals or something as dumb. He wanted to heard what Pietro had to say before asking the General for permission to investigate the source of the call.

Do Max felt that was just a formality; even without his blessing he would do anything in his power to investigate the source.

Max stepped through the door here was meet by Pietro, Watts and the General who were overlooking the remains of a robot. Not just any old robot built by some tech institution to bully and carry boxes. But the remains of something new, experimental even. A body that had a metallic skeleton of a man. A body for his AI companion. Max stood in a state of half horror and half curiosity. He wonder how the thing survived the crash as well the implications of this finding meant.

Pietro and General Ironwood's attention turn to Max. Their curious eyes appearing more accusative toward Max. Especially from Watts who wasn't uninterested in the machine and rather what was in his scroll.

"What are we looking at?" Asked the General.

"It can't be. That droid should have been melted down."

"Yet it is still heard what is it?"

Max gave a deep sigh and overlooked the perfectly maintained piece of engineering marvel. Its metallic skeleton face. With the rest of the body being dressed in military clothes. With a large cannon for a arm.

"Well it is the last of unit of a robot that was very common in the battlefield back in early year of the war."

General Ironwood frown at the news, Pietro looked toward Max. His mechanical chair creaking with each movement. "Would it be alright with you, if I could use this as a part of a prototype."

"Yeah, sure." Said Max wanting to end his conversation and ask the General for permission to pursue his own mission. Pietro smiled and had some of his aids carry the humanoid piece of hardware away. Watts looked up from his scroll and gave a sly smile before looking down. The General then approached Max and placed a hand on Max's shoulder.

"Max there is someone who wants to meet you. Go to room 18."

The General then left the room leaving Watts and Max alone.

"He is catching up to you."  Taunted Watts "your secret inventory log has a lot of experimental weapons and equipment."

Max didn't say anything he knew there wasn't anything that would make himself feel better.

"Perhaps if you let your little friend more access these things could be build before they are found." Watts twirled his mustache. Then showed Max the blue prints of "the dreadnaught".  A large machine with the appearance of a humanoid turtle, with a sunken head and a hard shell around the body. One hand has a empty hand with talons for fingers. The other arm was a heavy rotating machine gun.

Max stumbled; taken aback. Watts smiled as he continued. "So tell me what is it and how do I use it. Before the interference clears out and Atlas command picks up the signal."

Max clenched his fist knowing that he wouldn't want something that powerful to fall into the hands of men like Watts. Either did he want to see the dammed machine to be mass produced condemning hundreds even thousands to a dreadful faith. But he knew he had no choice.

"It a single man weapon. More of power suit; capable of making it a one man army."

"See that wasn't hard.... Oh don't give me that look. I wouldn't leave you empty handed. I will have it back to your clutches later after I got the pieces I want."

"What parts would that be?"

"That life support system and maybe the gun."

Watts left the room, presumably to take advantage of Max's now busy schedule. Max gave a sigh and left to meet with his visitor.

Professor Ozbin rarely left Beacon Academy. Feeling that any trip outside his kingdom would leave him vulnerable and paint a target on his back. Yet he felt the need to meet this stranger face to face. If a stern and honest man such as Ironwood said that this Max is from another world than it was worth the interview. He wasn't sure what he would do with Max. Perhaps give him a teaching position, inform him of Salem and her Cult.

Frankly too many ideas were popping in his mind. Another reason why he would want this interview. To put his minds at ease; to agree on a course of action and plan around them.

Ozbin took a sip of his coffee it's mid tempered liquid rolled down his throat. As soon as the door lowered he saw the door open. On the other side he saw a man wearing white armor with a fiendish helmet to his side. His hair was short and black, his eyes brown and lost in thought.

"Ah Max I presume."

"Yes sir, who are you if I may ask!"

The two men shook hands as Ozbin continued. "Ask all you want seeing I have a fair amount of questions of my own. Beginning with how did you found yourself here?"

Max sat down and gave a deep sigh. "Not much to say one minute Me and my friends where transporting equipment."

"Mhh interesting." Said Ozbin, looking at Max's motions and word choice.

"The next thing there was a big flash, the back of the transport got hit. Then it went dark."

"Was there anything that might, I don't know might have open a hole between worlds. A relic of sort?"

Max leaned in curiously "you know a lot don't know. If I didn't know better might know what happen."

"I am just as curious as you. I am exploring all possible options. What had become of your squad?"

"The General said there was no one else beside me. I reckon they were sucked out and fell to their death."

"That is very grim statement to make."

"I know but death has become too common in my life."

"Because of the war?"

"No my people celebrate and embrace death as part of life."

Ozbin took another sip of his coffee.

"So tell me what is you favorite story?"

"The Hobbit."

"Perhaps you want to recount this story. I am quite unfamiliar with it."

" In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit"

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