The Schnee Dust Company

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Max carried the old man to his private room on the airship.  The old man ached in pain as he sat down on his luxurious chair. His room was plain and simple. A world map on one wall, a wooden desk with a picture of a young woman with icy blue eyes. As well as several folders and other business items.

"There you go Mr. Schnee."  Max saw the old man, who had a defeated look about him. His carisma was gone: his stamina all but left him.

"Do you think I am too old?" Asked the Schnee. Moving  some paper work, and looking at the picture.

"Excuse me?"

"Am I too old to go on adventures. To help run the family company." The old man coughed in anger.

Max was about to speak before he was interrupted by Nicholas Schnee. "Take off that confound helmet, I want to look talk to a man. Not a machine."

Max complied revealing his face toward the old man who awaited his answer.

"In honesty sir, I wouldn't know I'm not a local. Plus I think your as old as you allow yourself to be. Why Scrounge McDuck was able to go numerous was able to go a series of adventures before he retired."

The old man paused studied the man in front of him. His strange armor, his aged face and his worn out eyes. He didn't understood the reference but figured it was a compliment of sorts. "Tell me, where are you from?"

"I'm from a place that is too away to talk about."

"Why that is not what I asked. Where are you from?"

"Tucson. If you excuse me I got to handle the prisoners."

"Wait. Can you let them go?"

Max looked at him with a surprise look. "Let them go? They took you hostage and almost killed everyone here."

"I know." The old man stood up and handed Max a folder. Max read the letter which was thankful in a English dialect. The old man continued talking "They are just misguided and desperate. They used to work for this company until my son in law had closed their mine and fired them. They just wanted some justice and compensation."

Max saw the files of each of terrorist that he encountered today. Many of them had families, other lived in slums and a few has dedicated their lives to the company. Max closed his eyes, he felt the guilt weigh on him. Something that he didn't experience since when he was conscripted to fight his war.

"I know you are a solider. I can see it your scars but deep down I know you were someone like them. So please let them go."

Max thought about it for a moment, he placed his helmet over his head and walked toward the door. "You are really are like Scrooge McDuck."

"We could discuss this further on our way back to Atlas."

In Atlas

Winter Schnee was walking toward Ironwood's office. She was crossed, upset, with a smudge of betrayed. She forced the door to his office open, hitting the wall with such force that some of the painting shook.

"Why wasn't I informed that my grandfather was taken hostage." She declared keeping her voice as regal as possible.

"My apologies, I was barely informed myself via our most recent transmission. Captain Max was successful in his mission."

"Still I should  have been the one sent. It is a Schnee Dust Company matter and it should be handled by myself." Her tone was higher than before.

The General stood up placing his hands on the desk looking at the young woman straight in the eye. "That is exactly why. You are too involved in the company still. You must recognize that we have to handle these matters with a neutral point of view. If we let our emotions cloud of judgment then a lot of people could end up dead."

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