The Rescue

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Captain Max sat down grumbling to himself. He felt cheated, and upset at being discovered so easily and so early.  Perhaps he should reveal his AI companions to the General. Maybe that way he would get a hypothetical slap on the wrist. But there was no guaranty that he would still be useful to the General.  Before he could further debate the issue the General spoke his usual soft tone.

"I know you are new to our world. But we are understaffed. Many of our able bodied soldiers are on their own missions, or training the next generation of Peace keepers."

The display shined on showing a air ship. It was too fancy to be military or civilians. He thought to himself.  Ironwood continue, "The Schnee Dust Company is Atlas's only producer of Dust which could sdffbe used as a fuel, ammunition and other products deemed important for our war effort."

"Against who sir?" Questioned Max, his voice hiding any curiosity.

"Against those forces that would try to see to our extinction. Grimm." He said with a dreadful hiss. The display showed several beasts of all shapes and sizes. Orientation and mannerisms, some looking more deathly than others.

The General then coughed to regain his composure. "But for now we have to deal with the domestic threats. The Whitefang a group of extremists had hijacked a airship and taken several board members hostage."

The holographic displayed shows the fancy airship station on a frozen lake. A few red dotes scattered around the display. Assuming that they were enemies Max counted 5.

"I trust you have experience with hostage situations?"

"No, but taking heavily armed positions with minimal collateral damage. I have plenty of those."

"I suppose that will have to do. You will approach from above and access the emergency exit and incapacitate any resistance you encounter. Your objective is to rescue these three board members."

The display changed to show three faces of obviously important pencil pushers. A bulkier than average woman with narrow eyes and dark hair, with too much makeup. A skinny man with long slit back white hair and loose skin. Then there was a old man with a Santa Clause look to him. A red nose, cheery cheeks and a beard to match it.

"We had identified two of the Board members. As Juniper Anderson and Ivor de mayo. Our records are unable to identify the third man. But he appeared to be ill."

"I can provide first aid, the majority of the Corp was given the training on the field."

"Dismissed, good luck on your mission."

*military airship 27 mins later*

The pilot was humming to himself as they flew, he wasn't much of a talker but a jammer. He was tapping to a song he was making up. Max for his part appreciated the background noise. Since he arrived here his usual music track didn't work. But he still remembered a few songs. Something he would have to save for another time.

The pilot yelled out "10 minutes before we on top of them or I think we are over them! The blizzard is messing with our system."

"Here would do." Max opened the door , secured his wire and jumped out of the still flying ship. Sliding down the rope with ease despite the wind from the blizzard and momentum from the ship. Hitting the floor with a roll. The blizzard made it hard to see or to be been seen. His in helmet sensors could barely tell him where he was. Only able to tell him a cardinal directions. Max gave a deep sigh, out all the time he would have needed a AI now would have been nice.

Regardless of any feelings, doubt or even worries. Max moved eastward knowing the General location of the ship.

Some time had passed yet the blizzard still persisted. The cold was starting to get to Max despite his equipment being design for winter conditions. The Arctic conditions of the Atlesian wasteland was pushing it to the limit. Each step became shorter succumbing to his slowly numbing body.

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