The Witch

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When Max awoke the first feeling he felt was a cold chain around his neck. Connecting him to a wooden wall. His mouth was muzzled like a dog. He looked around his environment and found that he was in a wooden cell. Just like in a old western movie. Down to the wanted poster opposite of his cell, just through the iron bars. He tried to walk toward the bars. But found that his chain only went soo far.

He was just half a foot away from the opening. Knowing better than to try to reach Max sat to the part of the wall where he was chained too. He sat there in silence until he saw a guard dragging away a man in a black suit. The man kicked and screamed like a child as he was dragged a crossed the floor. Max didn't need to know where that poor soul was going to feel a bit of pity.

His gaze eventually meet with a another pair of eyes of the man who stomped his head. The scorpion was using his tail like a chair and his face had a large smile that was unsettling for Max. Who crossed his arms, getting comfortable. The Faunus rested his head on his hands while speaking in his erratic tones.

"Wakey Wake! Sleepy head; you mustn't keep the mistress waiting. She had gone through the whole trouble of brining you here. Just to see you." He said with only a mild hint of jealousy.

"You can tell her that I don't know nothing about nothing." He said making a gesture of zipping his mouth.

"You insolent!..." the Faunus was silent as a more civil voice echoed down the hall.

"That would do Tyrian, I am certain our guest didn't mean to be rude."

A creature that resembled a jellyfish floated into Max's field of vision. Filling him with a feeling of dread he hasn't felt in a long long time. It was uncomfortable and Max had to fight the urge to cow in his corner. Even the faunus as erratic as he was, cow towed and acted courteous to the creature. As if it was a Queen or a goddess.

"Now you will tell me what you know." Said the creature as it floated into the cell.

Max could see the image of a pale woman inside the creature's head. The feeling of dread grew inside of him, akin to a being seen by a predator. Max struggled to form his first words. "Max...Armenta.. Captain 14721."

The creature lifted a tendril up rubbing Max under the Chin. "You think I was giving you a choice." She said mildly amused by the act of defiance.

The creature the violently latched itself onto Max. Restraining his body with tentacles and wrapping his head with the free ones. He felt his mind was being opened and being stabbed by hundreds of needles.

A surprisingly familiar feeling for the Captain who already shared his mind with a AI. He could tell his mind being probed and explored. Leaving him with only two options. Allowed his mind to be violated or to resist in the mind scape.

He gave a deep breath and closed his eyes and entered his own mind. Finding himself in the center of his mind, which represents is old classroom. A large square room with four labels in the middle of the room. Each with 4 seats and his desk in the corner of the room. With a large file cabinet to the side. Unsurprised he wasn't alone; on the other side of the room was a woman dressed in a black robe. She was looking at the blank whiteboard.

"I must say I am surprised to find company here." She said coldly. "All of my victims tus far have been unable to resist my mind probes."

"Your not the only thing to have entered my mind." He said confidently. Taking a seat by his desk and opening the lowest cabinet. Where he kept treat he gave to the best of students.

The woman smirked, picking up a market and began sketching on the board. "Interesting, that your mind scape is this quaint. Most people have castles or dream homes."

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