Chapter 42

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(Blake's POV)

I heard some water splash behind me. I looked back and saw Maria.

Maria: Run! We have to get out of here!

We all started to run away. We turned a corner and went down further into the sewer. I saw several paths that went different directions. I saw more of those Grimm show up from all the other paths but one, forcing everyone to go down it.

Ruby: What are those things?!

We eventually made it to an underground room. I saw a set of stairs heading up and everyone tried to make it to them. More of those Grimm caught up to us and let out a screech, making everyone collapses. It's really hard to find the will to move. I saw the Grimm walking towards me, but I didn't really care.

Ruby: Blake... Get... Up!

Blake: It's fine...

I just laid here on the ground, motionless. My mind started to go blank.


A bright light came out of Ruby, getting rid of all the Grimm in the area. I felt my body get filled with adrenaline and I shot up. Weiss went up the stairs and there are a set of doors. Weiss tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge.

Weiss: They're locked!

Yang: Out of my way!

Yang tried to go up the stairs, but more of the Grimm showed up and let out another scream, causing everyone to fall. I started to feel my strength leave me. I started to close my eyes and I couldn't hear anything. Right as I was about to close my eyes completely, another bright light came from Ruby, killing all the Grimm. Everyone got up again. Yang reeled her fist back and punched the door down. We all went through it and I looked around the room.

Blake: We're back in the house?

We looked over at a bar area and saw Qrow sitting there. Ruby rushed over to him and shook him.

Ruby: Uncle Qrow! Get up!

Qrow: Hey! Get off me! What are you doing here?

He said with a heavy slur in his voice.

Maria: We're leaving, you idiot! Come on!

Me, Yang, and Maria ran ahead and we ran outside where Oscar got done fixing the tire.

Yang: Oscar! We have to go now!

Oscar: What? Why?

Yang: Just listen!

Yang got on her bike. Me, Oscar, and Maria got on the trailer. Ruby and Weiss, while dragging Qrow came out of the house and the house caught on fire. They got on the trailer and Yang sped off, leaving the farm. Finally, away from the nightmare.

(Readers POV)

I kept trying to call Ruby on Jaune's scroll. He says that if she is close enough, then she can answer the call, but the scroll keeps saying the call failed to connect.

(Y/N): Stupid thing! Work already!

Nora: You're still trying to call? Weren't you up all night doing that?

(Y/N): Yes and yes!

Nora: Stop worrying so much.

(Y/N): How can you be so calm about this?!

Ren: Because they are team RWBY. I'm sure whatever they have blocking their way that they will get past it.

Jaune: Yeah, it's literally in their nature. I can assure you that they're fine.

I took a deep breath. They're right. I shouldn't have such a lack of faith in my friends like that. I handed Jaune his scroll back.

(Y/N): Right, sorry. Just stressed out by a lot of things.

Nora: Apparently by having a lot in your life change. What happened there anyway? Was it big changes?!

(Y/N): ...You could say that...

Ren: Well... If you don't mind us asking, what did change?

(Y/N): ...I don't want to talk about it right now. I just don't.

Jaune, Ren, and Nora all looked at me with concern. They looked at each other and decided to stay quiet. I let out a yawn and laid down on the couch.

(Y/N): I'm going to take a quick nap. Wake me up when you get a call back.

Nora: You got it sir!

I looked at Ren and Jaune. They nodded their heads at me. Good to see people who are trust worthy agreed. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

(Hours Later)

I opened my eyes and I looked around. I'm still inside if Saphron's house. I don't see anyone though. I saw a piece of paper on my chest. I picked it up and turned it over, seeing that it's a note from Nora.

(Y/N): "Leaving this note because we went to get groceries. Be back soon. Love, Nora."

I stood up and heard footsteps from a distance. I can hear some voices too. I heard the front door open. I saw Saphron, Jaune, Ren, and Nora walk in. Oh so they did get some groceries. Wait, why aren't there any bags?

Saphron: This is my home. It's not the biggest, but it's the coziest.

I saw team RWBY walk into the room. They looked over and saw me. I looked at Blake in her amber eyes.

Blake: (Y/N)...

(Y/N): Blake...

We ran at each other and we hugged. I felt tears about to escape my eyes. Blake smashed her lips on mine. I held her even closer and embraced the kiss. We broke the kiss and started into each other's eyes. I put my hand on her cheek and Blake leaned into my hand.

Blake: It's great to see you again.

(Y/N): Yeah, it really is.

We shared a quick laugh.

(Y/N): I've missed you so much. I really have.

Blake: Same here. You had no idea how worried I was for you. Where were you?

(Y/N): I was... Around, you know?

Blake looked at me with concern. I looked past her and saw Qrow, an old short woman, and the kid with father's soul inside him.

Qrow: Bird brain! You haven't changed a bit.

I walked past Blake and went up to the kid. He took a step back while I stared at him.

Oscar: Uh... Hello?

(Y/N): You... What's your name?

Oscar: It's... Oscar Pine.

(Y/N): Oscar... It's nice to meet you. If you don't mind, can I talk to Ozpin?

Oscar froze and looked down.

Oscar: You can't. He trapped himself in my mind.

(Y/N): What does that mean?

Nora: Yeah! What does that mean, Cute Boy Oz?!

(Y/N): Can you not call him that? It's weird.

Ruby: Well, it's a long story.

(Chapter 42 end)

Pure Evolution (Male reader x Blake Belladonna)Where stories live. Discover now