❥ Chapter Thirty: Roni

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I wiped the tears that escaped my eyes. "Jack was one of the leading linguists who joined Antigen's expedition." I muttered.

"Was he...?" Beth trailed off.

"Yes." I answered. "He sacrificed his life to save Art's life and mine." I elaborated.

"But the professor just mentioned his name. It means that he must be alive." Leo butts in. William nodded at him in agreement.

"Probably. That is why I am going to find him." I muttered with a little anger but I am sure that I am going to save Jack.

"You're going to that mountain but how about us?" William asked. I nodded at him.

"Don't worry, I'll get you out of here first and then cross the bridge." I answered.

I grabbed my things and turned my heel away from the mountain's direction. Leo followed my feet and he pointed the flashlight ahead of me so I could see. But with or without the flashlight, I could still clearly see the path which is weird since the blood moon's light isn't that strong on this side of the forest.

I stopped when I heard something on the right. I glanced and immediately held my ground, ready to shoot my crossbow. But thankfully it was just a beaver. The others heaved a sigh too, we were all holding our breaths, afraid that it might be another werewolf encounter.

We continued walking and we all successfully made it out of the jungle. Beth cried as she smiled at me. She's happy knowing we made it out but that doesn't guarantee anything. I grabbed the satellite phone on the pocket of my pants and handed it to her.

"You can call Jelly and she'll immediately handle your ride." I answered her unspoken question. She was confused when I gave her the phone.

"Are you sure about this?" Beth asked.

"Yes, I am." I answered swiftly. The cold wind blows and a faint howl followed. I held Beth's shaking hand and pulled her to a hug.

"Make sure you all three make it out alive." I whispered as I combed her hair slowly. I can feel her crying on my chest so I tapped her back and pulled away from the hug. I looked at the police officers. They both nodded at me, understanding what I meant with my stare.

"Hide once you hear something, hide on the big rocks but don't go inside the forest." I instructed.

"Please stay safe, Veronica." Beth muttered. I just smiled at her, I can't assure her of my safety.

I started walking towards the entrance of the forest and never looked back. I don't want to see Beth crying again because of me. So I decided to face straight on the path and took my steps towards the cliff, where the bridge is hanging from a hundred drop on the river below. My grip on the crossbow tightened when I saw the students below.

They're lying on the stones and some were drowned on the river, bodies being ripped apart and disheveled. I saw the ladder that we used last time and I hurriedly went down. I had troubled landing and hit my right foot on one of the hard rocks. I grimaced a little and lowered my weapon on the ground as I made my way below the bridge, near the massacre.

I don't know them but I recognize all their faces. I covered my mouth when nausea hit me, the view of the blood and dislocated body parts is too much for me. I immediately when to the river bank and throw up. I looked up and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. A silhouette caught my attention when it moved out of the corner of my left eye. I stood up and turned to its direction.

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