Setting the Scene

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"A Wendy-bird all grown up..." Hook said, his voice trailing off as his eyes moved down from Wendy's lips to her nipples, erect from the cold.

Wendy, noticing his gaze, jerked away from the cold metal that grazed her chin. The force of her retreat caused her back to press against the rickety wood chair that gave way almost instantly. With her balance lost (and certainly not helped by the fact that her torso was tied down), she fell back-first onto the floor of Hook's chambers.

The captain had half a mind to laugh, but such a thought vanished as he stood over the young woman with her legs splayed in the air, her thin dress bundled up at her hips, and her panties on full display.

Below him, Wendy's face purple with embarrassment and she squirmed against the ropes in a futile attempt to escape. But before she could start clawing at the tight knots, her world was turned vertically once more.

Hook's boot rested on the seat, in between her legs. He propped an elbow on his knee.

"Peter will come for me!" Wendy spat out. Despite her immense embarrassment, she held eye contact. "So don't try anything... funny!"

The laughter Hook was holding in came out and he clutched his face, wiping away a few tears. Wendy stared at the pirate, his back now towards her, and pursed her lips.

"My dear Miss Darling, you are wrong in every aspect!"

Wendy opened her mouth to retaliate, but cold metal pressed up against it.

"You see, your Peter Pan won't come for you, not here, not ever."

"That's not true!" Wendy said, her voice slightly stifled by his hook. "Peter will be here, mark my words!" Her voice faltered slightly. "And when he comes, you'll be sorry!"

"Ha! A fool's dream! Tell me, why would he save you when he has a new plaything to galavant around with?"

"Why- that's-!"

Hook leaned in, his nose only inches away from her's. "You've grown, Wendy. Pan's not interested in you anymore..." He narrowed his eyes, studying the face before him. "But you already knew that, didn't you?"

Wendy's eyes flashed with anxiety. "I- I don't-."

"Were you hoping," Hook started, slowly kneeling in front of her. "For something funny?"

Wendy looked down at the pirate, her heart nearly beating out of her chest. Should she lie?

"I... yes."

"Then you should have started with that, little bird."

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