Book One, Chapter Five 1.5

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Three things I learned from this experience: bulls know how to turn, always take the road with less gravel, an exit sign isn't always an exit strategy.

Not in that particular order.

I was dreaming about food. My favorite cheeseburgers. Except there was only one and Percy had it and instead of eating it he clung onto it like I was gonna take it from him then he ripped it in half and it disappeared. In like a flash of golden light, crumbling like sand, blown away by the wind. Such a waste.

I woke up a few times, but I was still tired so I just knocked out again. I remembered the soft comfy bed and being spoon fed something that looked like golden pudding, it tasted like cookies. The curly blonde haired girl smiled as she scraped drips off my chin with a spoon.

"What will happen at the summer solstice?" She said, but since I couldn't see her she must've been off to the side.

I heard a croaking, "What?" Percy?

"What's going on? What was stolen? We've only got a few weeks!" Said the blonde girl.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled, "I don't..."

I heard a knock.

I woke up again, the girl was gone.

I saw a big, strong blond dude, looks like a surfer, just standing in the corner. He seemed to keep watch over us. He has blue eyes and probably defined eyes behind the back of his head. He had eyes everywhere, cheeks, forehead, even the back of his hands. Must be hard for him to play slide.

+ + + + +

When we came around for good, the only weird thing about the room was that it was nicer than what we were used to. Other than that, it was completely normal. We walked outside to the porch, Percy and I squeezed into a deck chair. A blanket over our legs and pillows behind our necks. The view was beautiful, a meadow of green hills. The breeze smelled like the strawberries they grew. Everything seemed great, except my mouth felt like that one time a bee stung my lip (not fun), felt dry, stank and my teeth hurt.

There was a table next to us with tall glasses of apple juice (yuck!) It had a straw and a mini umbrella.

Percy's hand trembled so much he almost dropped the apple juice.

"Careful." Said a familiar voice.

Grover was leaning against the railing, it seemed like he hadn't slept in a while. Under his left arm, he had a shoe box. He was wearing jeans, Chuck's hi-tops and a bright orange shirt that said CAMP HALF BLOOD.

Dean came by with my backpack, why he has it, I have no idea. "You forgot this."

I was glad it was just plain old Grover and Dean. Nothing about them that screams barnyard animal.

Okay, so another nightmare. I didn't hear the "Molly! Molly! Wake up you're having a nightmare!" Everybody's alive and well. We're still on vacation and we stopped at this house for some reason.

"You guys saved my life." Grover said. "I... well, the least I could do... I went back to the hill. I thought you might want this Percy."

Grover hesitated placing the box on Percy's lap.

Inside was the black and white bull's horn. The bottom with it's sharp, jagged points from being snapped, the tip with splotches of dried blood. A nightmare come to life.

My eyes started to water, "No..."

"The Minotaur." Percy whispered.

"Um, Percy, it isn't a good idea-" Grover started.

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