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The van stopped infront of the small company. Y/N got out of it and glanced around. It can't be mistaken. She can sense they are here.

Everyone got out of the van and looked around not knowing what to do next. Well no one can blame them, this is a new experience for them.

Entering the same small company they used to train at, after finally debuting. Almost three years have passed since they started training.

They thought they would never debut. They've been through a lot. She still remember that day when Hoseok came back, where she was even ready to do something risky for the boys.


Y/N arrived back with Hoseok. Jungkook ran to him and hugged him, followed by all other members.

Jin came to Y/N and hugged her.

"Thanks for bringing him back, Y/N". He said.

"Well I had no other choice. Many people were screaming their lungs out that I couldn't even sleep. My sleep is important to me. That's why I brought him back, not because I like him or something." Y/N replied keeping a poker face.

Jin shook his head while smiling. Ever since he saw her, she's always like this. She's afraid to show her real emotions and feelings, but deep inside she loves them, no matter how hard she tries to deny it. Jin just know it. Maybe because he's been taking care of her since the day he met her.

"Alright boys, I'll cook us dinner". Jin said finally after everything has calmed down a bit.

"But hyung, we don't have anything home. We had to do grocery shopping today but we didn't." Yoongi said.

"Y/N can you run to the grocery store and get the items? Here's the money." Jin said.

She didn't say anything and grabbed the money walking out of the dorm to the store.

After shopping, it's time to pay the bills and she noticed the money wasn't enough.

"Umm could you wait for a minute? I have to grab another item I forgot" she asked the cashier innocently.

She went away from there to where it's less crowded. She started looking around in hope to find someone and she did.

She went near him pretending to check the boxes on the shelf, and she did what she's always good at. She stole his wallet and watch and put it inside her jacket while that guy was on phone and started to walk towards the guy.

"Good thing there were no cameras in this shop." She smirked and paid for the groceries.

Flashback ends.

When she joined the company, Jin and PD nim made her promise not to steal or commit crimes again.

She protested but when explained how it's risky if someone finds out and how it could affect her career and image, she agreed.

But that day, she broke the promise to keep the boys happy. After all, it's natural for her to do so after all the helps she received from the boys when she needed it. They only had each other to rely on during those times.

PD nim came out of the company to greet them as he reached there before them.
"Well done guys. I'm so proud of you. You can go back and have rest now. But Y/N please come with me. Good night guys."

Y/N nodded knowing why he wanted to see her alone. It's best not to have the boys around knowing what's waiting for her.

"I will stay. It's not safe for her to walk back in the dark. You guys go ahead." Jin said also getting a vague idea of what might be the case. PD nim just nodded.

The boys looked at each other before nodding and walking back. The trio went inside the company after making sure the boys are gone. They went to practice room and saw two people waiting for them...more precisely her.

"Yuki... It's been a while, sweetie. How have you been?" The lady asked.

"Spill the beans.. why are you here?" Y/N asked. PD nim and Jin decided to stay silent watching them.

"That's no way to talk to your parents. Have you forgotten the manners?" The man asked.

Y/N rolled her eyes. Her 'dad' closed his eyes, in order to calm himself.

"I want you to abandon this task and come home. The people on earth are not worth of our time. They started hating you and it's impossible to win their hearts. I thought we had a slight chance of changing these people, but they're hopeless." He explained the reason why he's here.

"I'm not leaving earth until I succeed. It was you who forced me to come here when I didn't want to, and now when I start liking it here, you want me back? Impossible." She said.

"Yuki, if you don't listen to us and come back, we'll have to throw you away from our kingdom." Her dad said.

"Do whatever you want. I'm staying right here. I have found my dream now and there ain't no way I'm throwing my chances away." She said.

"You asked for it. From today onwards, you are banned from our land. We're out of here." Her dad said.

"I'm ashamed to call you as my daughter. I'm disappointed in you." Her mom said.

"Good bye to you too." Y/N rolled her eyes. Her mom and dad vanished from there in a blink of an eye.

She turned around to face her boss and Jin.

"Y/N..." PD nim started but she cut him off.

"Give us some rest old man. We've been practicing all these days and I finally want to have some rest." She said while walking towards the door.

"Y/N stop right there. How many times do I have to tell you to respect me? And I'm not old, I'm still young." PD nim said sighing.

"Yeah sure, grandpa." She shrugged her shoulders, smirking at him.

But behind the tough facade she put on, Jin and PD nim could still see the little girl falling apart, abandoned by her own parents because she wanted to follow her dreams and kicked her out of her homeland.

"I have seven years. So stop giving me that looks. I will change the hearts of the people of earth. It's just been one day and we still have a long way to go." She said noticing the pity directed towards her by those two.

'She have seven years. But after seven years, what will happen to her?' they couldn't help but wonder.

To be continued...

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