Chapter 9 - The Savior

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Rosalynn's POV

"Enough games!" The man roared. "We are wasting precious time. Seize them!"

The bandits started to circle us, arms raised to fight. I looked at Christina and saw she was starting to regret what she just did. I admired her mindset, but the girl can't think to save her life sometimes.

I glanced at the path behind me that led to the woods. I must act right now!

I grabbed Christina's hand and tried to make a run for it. The worst-case scenario came true when a bandit caught my hair to thwart our escape.

I winced at the harsh pull of the man. Christina swung the branch at him, but another bandit wrapped his arms around her and made her drop the branch.

I gulped when it dawned on me that we had been captured. The leader of the bandits walked towards us. Each step he took made me feel nervous and scared.

The man stopped in front of me, his scarred eyes made me look away. He forced me to face him using his finger to elevate my chin. I could hear Christina yelling for him to stay away from me. Of course, that did nothing to change his mind.

"Hmmm." He hummed as he inspected every inch of my face. I shuddered under his touch and was disgusted at the way he studied me.

"With a face like yours... I bet we can also bring in some good money."

I didn't know what had gotten into me, but as soon as he said that, I felt angry - murderous, even. I quickly brought my mouth down on his finger and bit it hard. He yelped and retracted his hand, a dark crimson liquid seeping from it.

I spewed out the blood and glared at him. At this, he took a step back. I laughed internally at the man's perplexed face, but I wasn't satisfied. I wanted to do so much more. I wanted to make him feel pain that he would never forget.

"You didn't expect that, did you?" I smirked. My chest felt hot, and this seemed to make me crazy. "What? Never thought that a 'little girl" could also use dirty tricks? You must not yet see a lot of things."

I was the one who said not to provoke the enemy. I guess since we didn't have any more chance to run away, I decided I wouldn't give up without a fight, like Christina. I could at least put in a few words.

The bandit raised his hand to land a hit on me. I closed my eyes, readying myself to receive the slap, but it never came.

I checked to see why and was met by somebody's backside. Her body frame was the same as the person who saved us yesterday. Her black hair resembled the night.

She had her hand on the man's wrist, protecting me. I stared at her with my mouth hanging wide, surprised by how fast she came to my aid. I didn't even see her coming.

"Would the two of you avert your gaze for a moment?" Her voice was soft and soothing. Christina and I didn't even question her and did as she told us.

The grip on my hair was no more, making me exhale deeply. I heard grunts and groans from around me. I knew that the woman was scrimmaging with the bandits.

When all was quiet, I opened one eye to see the group of bandits lying on the ground. I didn't get to see if they were still alive as my vision went blurry, and the fire in my chest made me faint.

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