Chapter 10 - The coronation

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Lizzie POV:

Today I would take over my mother's job of ruling the Ocean. It was my coronation. We got back from House Blossom earlier that morning so we could get prepared for the event. Since the coronation is for ruling the Ocean, it would be there so Joel couldn't be there since it would be under water, however it was on the news so he might be watching on there. I was going to become Queen over this entire empire so I was very stressed. What if nobody liked me as queen? What if I do something wrong? What if I'm not a good Queen? Those questions kept spiraling around my brain and they tried to bring me down. I wouldn't let it. After a few minutes of waiting, I got told to go and be coronated. I walked down and saw all of the fish waiting for me. It was scary seeing all of the Ocean folk there, but I stopped looking at them and just looked at my family at the other end.

(A/N: I'm not sure what actually happens since I'm not royal or haven't watched any form of coronations)

P: We are gathered here today, to coronate Princess Elizabeth Beans! Now Elizabeth repeat after me:

I, Elizabeth.

L: I, Elizabeth.

P: Pledge to care and look after my people.

L: Pledge to care and look after my people.

P: And protect each and every one of them.

L: And to protect each and every one of them.

P: For as long as I shall rule the Ocean.

L: For as long as I shall rule the Ocean.

P: Thank you. May I have the crown?

My mother gently took the crown off of her head and gave it to the man. I bowed my head as the crown was lightly placed on my head. I lifted my head up and turned to crowd as they all clapped their fins together.

I looked to  my family with a smile on my face. My mother was crying slightly in joy, so was my father and Jimmy had a big smile on his face and came and hugged me. I knelt down and hugged him back. We had a small celebration after. I was talking to my family and then Jimmy spoke.

Ji: I'm gonna have a coronation like this eventually!

L: And what are you ruling?

Ji: Dad says I'm going to rule the Swamp eventually and take after him!

L: Good for you Jimmy!

I was told by my mother that I should get some food so I didn't starve so I went over to the little buffet table and to get some food and saw an open window. I didn't get any food and decided to go and see if Joel was at the  small beach area behind the palace. He was so I transformed and sat next to him and put my head on his shoulder whilst he was looking the other way.

L: Hello Husband.

J: Oh! Hey! I didn't even notice you there Ocean Queen.

L:Were you watching it?

J: Of course I was!

L: I just hope I don't let everyone down. My mother was an amazing queen according the fish, the best queen since my great, great, great, great, great grandma.

J: Hey! You will be an amazing queen, and if you are as good as a queen as you were a girlfriend, then you will be the best queen ever!

L: Thanks Joel! You really know how to make me feel better!

J: no problem!

L: Okay, I better get going before my mum needs me for something. Bye!

J: See you later!

I changed back and dove into the ocean and swam back to the hall.

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