28. Our Boston Plans

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My final ER rotation of residency was going as well as it could in a city like Chicago. Despite recent police reforms by the city government and stricter gun laws, violence was continuing and even affecting teenagers now. In the past week alone we had taken care of a gunshot victim almost everyday. Most were kids between the ages of 14 and 18 years, and they all had some history or another of being raised in a broken family or being abused at a young age. The cycle of generational violence just kept continuing, with many of these kids not having any option but to join street gangs. I couldn't help but think that given my own history, I could easily have been any one of these kids. 

At least now I was fortunate enough to have access to a mental health professional and the boxing gym I had recently joined at Dr Wheeler's suggestion. Pummeling a physical punching bag was a lot more cathartic than I had expected it to be.

Noor was still in the Peds ICU and while she had been too busy to meet me, she had texted me to let me know that CPD had found out the real name and parents of John Doe, the teenager with appendicitis who had been dumped outside the ER along with me. Even that work related text message from her had made my day seem a little brighter. Everyday I had the urge to call her after work, but there was still so much unspoken tension between us that I would put the phone down. I had used her as an emotional punching bag too many times for there to be an easy fix for our relationship.

If only I could talk to her and explain my behavior...not that it was fair to use my past as an excuse, but maybe she could see just how damaged I had been and how far I had come. And maybe that would be enough to convince her not to give up on me. 

I could wait for her forever, but there was an important decision that I had to make soon. It was end of March and I still hadn't decided where to go for my cardiology fellowship. Boston had always been my dream, but that was before this amazing woman had waltzed in to my life turning it completely upside down, in a good way. Now all I dreamt about was her.

Staying in Chicago was an option but if she did not want me, I wasn't sure I could bear to see her at work every day. After the way I had treated her in the ER a few weeks ago, there was a real chance that she had already moved on. Though I could not let my mind wander to that possibility...even the thought of her being with someone else made my blood boil.

One thing was clear to me, I could never be just friends with her, as much as I cared for her. I had crossed that line a long time ago.

Today was our residents award ceremony and the annual Spring Ball. The Program Director had called me early in the morning to inform me that I had been chosen as the best graduating resident of my class. It was a huge honor for any resident, but I felt undeserving of it. The truth was that no matter how good I was as a physician, if it hadn't been for Noor, my downward spiral this year would have gotten me suspended or worse, kicked out of the program.

I made sure to reach the venue of the Ball early in case Noor was there. I really needed to speak to her asap. She wasn't, there but Mark and Sam were, so I caught up with them instead, placing myself strategically so that I could keep an eye on the entrance to the room. Soon it was half past 7 and neither Kimberly nor Noor had shown up yet.

That's it...I am going to call her!

I took my phone out and started to dial her number when I heard Mark say, "Holy Shit! When did she become so hot?"

I looked up and followed Mark's line of sight, and that's when I was saw her.

She looked different, in a breathtakingly stunning kind of way. Her eyes brightened as she took in the room, and those luscious red lips framed her gorgeous smile. Her saari hugged her curves in a way that would make any man lust for her.

Clash Of CulturesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora