Chapter 23

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And I'll admit that I sometimes, maybe, might
Think about you at night, well, almost every night


Harry's Pov-


A emotion I thought I would never feel but here I'm drowning in it. There are soo many emotions that have been foreign to me but yet so familiar since I have met V.

Last night when I caught her eyes while that girl was sucking on her neck like leech the look in her eyes, the anger, the fury but most importantly the hurt that filled her eyes made my stomach swirl.

I never wanted to hurt her.

I don't know why I took that girl or maybe I do I just don't want to confess that to myself. It's pretty self explanatory, she had same red plump lips, same red hair, blue doe eyes but not like hers, they were similar yet so different.

All I wanted was her but that's what also scares me.

I thought maybe I found someone else she will leave my mind, the feeling my brain has been telling me to push away, bury it for so long would actually go away but seeing as the girl I took was her lookalike I got my answer.

I can't runaway forever.

I turn my head to look back at her, the cigarette dangling from her lips as she stands in a sweatshirt and sports short even though it's freezing cold.

She has almost smoked half of her packet of cigarettes since we woke up and I'm the reason of that also. She smokes a lot when she's stressed, although it can also be because of the party I have a gut feeling that says orherwise.

I was going to talk to her when I woke up. She thought I didn't knew she was awake but I did. I was awake a long time ago when she was running her fingers through my hair, what stopped me from talking was the marks on her neck.

I know I'm in no place to feel angry about it and I be a hypocrite 'cause I my own did the same thing but it stinges a lot whenever I glance at her.

Viola slams breakfast-lunch plates in front of me and Louis so loudly it's miracle they didn't break. We woke up at around 1 pm and it's almost 3 now so, I don't know whether to call it lunch or breakfast.

"I don't know why I'm cooking for two grown adult men but here I'm" Viola mutters loudly putting out her cigarette sitting next to Louis in front of me.

"Cause you're my sweet little sister who loves me" Louis coocs at her making her roll her eyes and swatt his hands away.

"You're not going to eat?" I ask quietly. My voice gets her attention, it's first time in whole day I have tried to make a conversation with her but it's also not like she talked to me.

"You want to eat then eat don't put your nose up on what I do or don't" She says, her voice filled with fury.

My first instinct is to snap and argue back at her but I don't. I bite my tongue and give her a short nod making her eye wide a bit. I hear the sound of chair scraping on the ground as V gets up from it.

"Eat we have things to discuss" She announces to both of us and then leaves to the balcony.

"What did you do?" Louis asks beside me, I just shrug in response. I know what I did but I'm not telling our buisness to him even though he's close to her.

"Well fix whatever you did because she looks sad. I like you let's keep it that way. I can see anything but not her being sad." Louis warns shoving whole pancake down his throat with syrup sticking around his whole mouth.

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