Chapter 22

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Lips meet teeth and tongue
My heart skips eight beats at once
If we were meant to be
We would have been by now


Viola's Pov-

I don't know how long I have been crying sitting on my bedroom floor, not just over him but over everything bad that has happened to me.

I'm like Domino, you let one tile fall and all tiles fall down. Just like one bad thing happens and suddenly I'm crying over everything my life stands for.

I finally get up from the floor and take off my jacket and jeans throwing them somewhere in the room. I don't bother putting anything else as I'm going to be undercovers anyways.

My legs and arms get covered in goosebumps when cold air hits my half-naked body. I quickly scurry off to bed, under the warm sheets.

I sigh in relief as the warmth of the thick comforter engulfs me, it's pretty cold here. The alcohol which is very much buzzing through my body right kept me warm in the club.

Just as I start getting comfortable and my eyes start getting droopy all the exhaustion of travelling, party and crying till my eyes bleed take over me, I hear a loud knock on my door making me groan.

"Fuck off Lou" I shout thinking it's probably him playing all 'protective brother' and shit he always does whenever I get sad.

But he didn't see me leave and neither was he there to see me fighting with Harry.

"V open the door" I hear the deep voice instead which pretty much solves my confusion. My breath gets caught in my lungs as I dread Harry standing other side of the door.

Fuck's sake I just stopped crying.

"Fuck off Styles" I shout even louder. I don't want to see anyone right now let alone that curly-haired cunt.

"Viola open the god damn door" He bangs on my door louder increasing his voice.

Grunting I finally getting up from bed shivering as cold hair hits my legs. I open the door giving him a deadpan expression raising my eyebrows in a 'What the fuck are you doing' manner.

"I'm going to sleep here" He announces like it's the most casual thing in the world pushing past me getting inside my room.

I grab his wrist pulling him back towards me so he stands in front of me. I'm very much aware that my grip is very tight on his wrist but I can't single fuck about it, the anger that was subsided because of crying has arisen again.

"Hold on a second" I speak, "First off, this is my room so, ask before you get in and second you're not sleeping here go to your own room" I declare, my tone being anything but welcoming. I remove my hand from around his.

"Oh I happily would but your bestie is fucking a hyena or something and I can't bloody sleep" He speaks furiously, his expression pretty much matching mine.

You know what now that he has said it I can hear it and jesus christ do I want to bleach my ears. The last thing in this world you want to hear is your brother fucking someone.

"Go sleep on the sofa then" I retaliate. I just want him out of the room, I can't look at him right now. I can't I can already feel my eyes burning.

"I would smarty pants if it wasn't just in front of his room" He speaks instead.

His tone of voice keeps getting harsher making me squirm but I stand my ground not showing how much it's affecting me while we keep getting back and forth.

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